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"But I can't"

"Give me one good reason why you can't"

"When I ran away I decided for myself that I wouldn't be a burden for anyone so I can't live with you."

"I think you didn't hear me well, it wasn't a question but a fact. And I can't believe you could ever be a burden to me. I have an extra room and can easily afford a housemate."

"Don't you live with Louis? What would he think of this?"

I was surprised she knew that but it wasn't weird since a lot of people knew that...

"Louis moved in with his girlfriend don't worry, and even if he lived here he wouldn't mind that you stayed here, we would have had enough space to place an extra bed somewhere, but that's not necessary now. You can live in Louis room."

"But you don't understand Harry, I have nothing: no money, no clothes, not even a toothbrush!"

"That are just little temporary problems, we go shopping tomorrow and it's fixed."

"Do you really think I would let you spend all this money to me?"

"And again you're wrong, that was not a question but a fact! And I don't want to sound snooty, but I do have enough money to keep you with me for eternity."

"But Harry..."

"No Aria! You don't understand how it feels like to be a helping good person to someone and not a bad, spoiled boy like they use to call me!"

"Ow is that why you took me here? To show them that you are good? Am I like charity to you? Well thanks for listening Harry, I thought you really cared but I guess I was wrong and should go now. Bye it was nice to meet you."

She walked away, her shoulders down. I couldn't just let her walk away, my heart was breaking. I didn't mean it like this!

I heard my door closing and realized I had to do something. I ran outside and grabbed her wrist, she turned to me, the pain in her eyes was hurting me again.

"It's okay, Harry don't blame yourself. It's my fault, I shouldn't have run away. I should've stayed and accept my destiny, I guess I'm not meant for a life of hapiness."

"Please! Don't say this things, Aria! Everyone deserves hapiness, you even more than most people! No one deserves as much misery as you experienced! Please, Aria, stay with me, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let you go back there! Please?"

She went with her hand trough her hair and when all her hair was behind her ears, I saw for the first time truly how stunning she was, it was breathtaking in combination with the pan with her eyes, it made me wanna cry again. Life hadn't been fair or good for this girl but I wanted that to change. It could be possible for both of us to overcome our pain together... I couldn't let her go like this, back to a living hell. Life had to back for her and I would help her, I'm sure the boys would agree with me, they would probably jump in the air when they heard I talked to people again. I had to do this, no matter how hard things would become.

"Please, Aria?"

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