pain is hard to handle

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As soon as we were out of the immense crowd of people, she leaned closer to me, I had the feeling her legs were becoming too weak to carry her much further, so I decided to stop at a bench. I slowly sat down and drew her next to me. She still hadn't stopped sobbing and I pulled her closer to my chest. I was surprised she just let me do it, while a few minutes before she seemed so afraid of me. I guess she just needed a shoulder to cry on, someone who wanted to listen te her, someone who had experienced a similar feeling. The pain.

I let her cry for a while, but realized she would have to talk once, uncertain if she was ready, I asked her:

''Hey, it's gonna be alright love, could you just tell me your name?''

She looked up at me with those big green eyes, and I saw the pain again, I didn't want to see it by this girl, it was heartbreaking.

She seemed to try to get herself back together and I heard a silent voice, still stuck by the tears.


Her voice crack again, and she hid her face in my chest. 

I pull her closer, still surprised by her sudden attachment. I stroked her over her hair and kept her close, while trying to find the right words.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

She shook her head. 

"I'm sorry, I just can't"

She started crying harder and I tryed to calm her down. 

"Shhh, don't cry please, you don' t have to tell me now, if you're not ready for it, you don't have to speak at all, just tell me if you want to talk about something. I don't know what happend but I promise you that you're save with me."

She nodded gratefuly.

We sat there for another fifteen minutes before I saw the darkness falling in. I hated that I had to ruin the moment but it was already getting dark so it was time to go back to my appartment. 

"I'm sorry but I have to go, where can I drop you off?"

She looked anxious and sad. 

I tryed to formulate my question different. 

"Where do you live?"

She shook her head. 

I tryed something else.

"Parents house? Friends house? There must be a place where you can go..."

I heard her silent voice again, whispering one word.


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