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I sat there for around two hours. 

I spend them by calling Simon and the boys, telling them the events of today.

They all realized how hard this must've been for Aria and her hard it was for her now.

Just like me they kept admiring her strength. 

I also got to talk with Eleanor who was with Louis when I called him.

She seemed to understand best how hard this medical examination must be for Aria.

"Poor girl" she whispered.

"Such an examination must be horrible for a girl, it's humiliating..."

"You're right, I hope it won't damage her more"

"From all I've heard she's so strong, Harry. She'll need help but she's not alone."

"It's awful, El, she just had a little breakdown in the tearoom, she seemed to realize again her mother was gone... It was so hard to watch, I don't know if I would've been able to get her out of that... Breakdown. I was lucky my mom was there, she was just what Aria needed though she's seemed to have caused it..."

"Harry, you're doing amazing, you're wonderful for Aria. I can't imagine what would've become of her if you hadn't found her. Don't blame yourself if it's sometimes too hard to handle alone... You are not alone, you know that there are people who'll help you... The two of you can count on other people too... It's good that your mother's there. She needs a woman with her now. Just call me whenever, okay? I'm always prepared to help, and so's Louis..."

"Sure El, thanks"

"No problem, Harry,bye"


The last one I called was my sister.

She was clearly my mothers daughter.

As soon as Gemma heard about Aria she was ready to come over.

I managed to calm her down, saying she would have time to meet her later this  week.  

She agreed with me once I'd promised her I would take care the best I could of Aria, I was already planning that... 

And after promising I would keep mom here as long as needed for Aria.

I also had to call her twice a day. 

When she finaly finished speaking I was able to end the call and  hung up. 

After what felt like hours Aria and my mother came out.

Aria's eyes were red and puffy, poor girl, how much more would she have to take?

How long more would she go trough hell.

It must've been hard to go trought this.

They damaged her innocence even more.

She hurried when she saw me.

I hugged her when she came to me, she looked like she was crying but she wasn't.

She had no more tears.. The perfect proof that it'd been too hard.

I decided not to ask her anything but she surprised me again by bringing it up herself.

"It's over. Can you promise me that I'll never have to do this again?"

"I promise, it'sover." I whispered in her ear. 

I noticed my mother was looking at us with pride in her eyes. 

"She was so brave, Harry, it's unbelievable... I'm proud of you, Aria. But I'm also proud of you, Harry, that you took care of her. I'm glad I raised you like that."

She was right, that's how she raised me, not like a spoiled boy? 

I walked over at her, dragging Aria with me.

When we were near her she put her arms around us, placing us each at a side of her. 

Side by side, the three of us walked away. 

Were we walking to a new beginning? 

Walking to a new life full of hapiness? 

Walking out of the darkness into the light again? 

Walking, preparing ourselfs to shine in the sun? 

Walking out of the sea that tryed to drown us? 

Walking on the land again?

Walking out of the dark woods? 

Walking between the flowers? 

Walking out of the unknown night?

Walking under the guiding moon again? 

So, I didn't get tw comments but I had three votes so I decided to update... What do you think? I'm sorry, like I said before I probably make a lot of mistakes, I'm not english speaking.. Do you think they are walking toward something better? Please I need comments this time then you get  at least 2 updates this weekend, one extra long one... XX Helena :)

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