out of here

113 4 5

I just sat there, listening to that horrible story.

It must've been a hell.

 It was unthinkable, this... horror she'd been trough. 

It was the most cruel thing I'd ever heard. 

It was hard to control myself, my anger rose with every detail she told. 

My clenched fist was ready to beat him if we would walk in. 

My one fist was clenched and the other hand was still entertwined with Aria's. 

It felt like she was squeezing all the blood out of it, but I let her do it. 

This was all so difficult for her. 

She had to relive that nightmare, I hoped it would be the last time. 

When she stopped speaking it was silent for about a minute. 

We all had to let everything sink in. 

The woman was the first one to speak again. 

"Thank you, dear, you've done an amazing job."

Her colleague joined her.

"You've done incredible, with this information we have a solid case against him."

"You've been very brave, I hope you know that?"

Aria still looked uncertain. 

"We don't have more questios for you at this moment. You'll be contacted if we need to know more."

"Mr, Styles? Is it possible to write your number here, so that we can contact Aria trough you?"

He asked, offering me a notebook and a pen. 

"Yeah sure."

I wrote my number down and gave it back to him.

"Well, then you're free to go. When you're at the hospital you have to go to the information desk, when you say you're name they'll guide you to where you have to be."

"Okay, thank you."

I stood up and pulled Aria with me.

She still looked dazed and confused.


"Yeah yeah, I'm here, I'm fine. Let's go."

She hadn't convinced me but we walked out. 

When we were out the room I took a look at my phone. 

I had received four messages.

The first one was from Liam. 

"How is she? You're doing great Harry by taking care of you. You can be proud. Give Aria a hug from me. Stay strong, both of you."

I replied back, answering all his questions. 

"We're just out of the policestation, now on our way to hospital. Don't worry? Everything fine, I'll call you tonight to explain. Thank you and I will!"

The second one was from Eleanor. 

"Hey Harry, Louis told me about Aria. What an awful story, so sad, I bet she doesn't deserve all this. Can you hug her from me, even though I don't know her? I want to meet her soon, she needs friends and she sounds like an amazing girl. xxEl"

I smiled, Eleanor was such a sweet girl.

I quickly typed a reply.

"I'll introduce her soon, and you're right she didn't deserve this..And I will.xHaz"

The next one was from Zayn. 

"How is she? How are you? You're doing great, Harry and so is she."

I send a short message back. 

"Kind of okay, both of us. Thanks!"

The last one was from my mom, it was send 6 minutes okay. 

"Harry, I'll be there in 45 minutes, to where do I have to come?"

I looked at Aria who was still silently walking beside me. 

"You want something to drink before we go to the hospital?"

She gratefuly nodded. 

I pulled my phone back and answere my mom. 

"We'll be in the little tearoom across my house."

We walked to my car and when we were inside she sighed relieved. 

I looked her way and she said ashamed. 

"I'm sorry, I had to get out of there. I didn't feel safe so near to him."

"Hey shh, that's okay. That's very normal. Don't be ashamed for that!"

She tryed to smile but it wasn't very succesful. 

I remember the texts from Liam and Eleanor. 

I threw my arms around her and pulled her in a hug. 

" I had to hug you from Liam and Eleanor and I promised I would..."

Now her smile was real and she slightly hugged me back.

"So, still in for a drink?"

She nodded and I started the car.

When we arrived at the tearoom she was the first to get out of the car. 

I followed behind her as she entered. 

We both ordered, I ordered a coffe and Aria asked for a hot chocolate.

We were sitting there for around half an hour when someone walked trough the door. 

It was my mother, once she noticed me she started walking over to us.

I knew the emotion on her face it was concern mixed with sadness. 

Even before we had a chance to say something she grabbed Aria in a hug. 

I watched her slowly break down again, there in my mothers arms.

Hey! Can I get one comment before I update again please? It would mean a lot to me...xx Helena :)

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