lee know¹

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⚠️ masterxslave, praise kink, name calling, multiple orgasms

✨️ dom Lee Know x sub gender neutral reader ✨️

💛 word count: 996


Lee Know's been really busy trying to teach Jeongin and Seungmin the latest choreography. All of his free time is spent with the two boys as he works with them to nail the new dance.

So, most of my time has been spent with Hyunjin and Chris, the couple more than happy to show me affection.

I was currently laying between the couple as the three of us watched a movie on the couch. A typical Friday night for us lately.

It was nearing midnight and I knew the boys would be back home any minute, probably exhausted and ready for a shower.

Sure enough, Jeongin and Seungmin stumbled into the dorm, sweating profusely as they both argued over who would shower first. Seungmin ended up winning, pulling the "I'm older" card on the poor boy.

Jeongin whined, glancing at the three of us. "But if I could shower first, I could get cuddles too."

"Awe, I'll cuddle you, Innie." His eyes glistened as the two boys next to me ran for their bedroom, not wanting to be near the sweaty boy.

I didn't mind. It's just a little sweat. Plus, Jeongin is so cute, how could you resist his cuddles?

The younger laid down, snuggling into my side as I played with his damp hair. Jeongin sighed in content, but that didn't last long as Lee Know soon entered the dorm.

He cleared his throat, causing the younger to run off to his room. Lee Know glared at me, and if looks could kill, I'd be six feet under.

"What were you doing?"

I shrugged, "Cuddling Jeongin."

"Why?" He questioned through gritted teeth as he inched closer to me.

"He wanted cuddles." I shrugged, trying to play it off.

"If he wants sex are you gonna give him that too?!" He shouted, clearly pissed off.

"Maybe I will. You sure as hell aren't gonna give me anything."

Lee Know's jaw clenched from anger, and I knew in that moment that I had gone too far. "Bedroom. Now."

I decided to not argue as I hung my head and walked to our bedroom.

Chris had made our room soundproof once I moved in with all the boys, knowing how Lee Know is. Which makes it worse on me because Lee Know can do whatever he wants and nobody will ever know. Scary, but hot.

"I want you naked with your ass up by the time I get back. Do you understand me?" Nodding my head, I didn't dare make eye contact with him.

Lee Know didn't like this as he forced my face up, his hand gripping my jaw tightly as he repeated, "Do you understand me, bitch." "Yes, Master."

Nodding his head in approval, he left the room, leaving me to wonder how fucked I was.

Deciding to obey his orders, I stripped myself of my clothing before laying down on the bed with my ass in the air. I sat like that for god knows how long before Lee Know reentered the room.

I could see the smirk playing on his lips as he walked closer to the bed. "Look at you, being so obedient. Such a good slut."

I whined at his words, feeling the excitement grow within me even more.

I could hear the sound of Lee Know getting rid of his clothes before I felt the bed dip behind me.

"Do you know why you're going to get punished tonight?"

"Because I cuddled Jeongin."

"And?" There's more?? "You've also been all lovey dovey with Hyunjin and Chris."

"I-" "I don't wanna hear it." He spat, shutting me up real quick.

I nodded my head, wondering what my punishment for the night was going to be.

As I was thinking of what Lee Know could do to punish me, I suddenly felt something press against my entrance.

"Safe word?" "Peaches."

He hummed in approval before the object was pushed into my hole.

"Lee Know, I-" "I'm sorry, what did you call me?" He questioned in a sickly tone as he pushed the object further inside of me.

"Master...Master I wasn't...prepped...fuck."

As the object bottomed out, he turned it on. Thankfully he started off slow, gradually turning the device up as time went on.

And by time, I mean the number of orgasms I had. I must have five or six by this point.

"Master, please. I can't...can't take anymore." "I don't hear a safe word."

I whined, trying my best to not just collapse onto the bed. He knows I won't call the safe word unless I feel sick or in danger. He knows me too well.

The toy remained inside of me, vibrating against my sensitive walls, but the feeling of Lee Know behind me vanished.

I panicked, wondering where he had gone. Had he left me?

As the panic set in, I started to cry, too weak to look around for him.

"Hey. Hey, Baby. I'm right here." Lee Know appeared in front of me, a look of concern on his face.

I smiled weakly at him, sniffling back my tears.

"You're doing so good for Master. I'm so proud of you." I whined at his words, feeling another orgasm coming.

Lee Know noticed as he questioned, "Can you handle one more? You've done so good for Master, I think you've been through enough. Just one more, okay?"

I nodded, too tired to respond.

As my orgasm hit, I cried out from overstimulation and relief.

Lee Know went to remove the toy, turning it off before slowly easing it out of my abused hole.

"My beautiful Kitten, you did so well. Are you too tired for a bath?" I nodded in response, snuggling up to him as he chuckled softly.

"Okay, we'll take a nap, let you rest, and then we'll go take a bath. Sound good, Baby?" Another nod came from me as I immediately started dozing off to sleep.

But not before I heard Lee Know whisper, "I love you, Baby."

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