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⚠️ just casual love making in front of a large mirror

✨️ dom Lee Know x sub Felix ✨️

💛 word count: 1719


Watching Lee Know dance is one of my favorite things in the entire world.

The way his body just flows with the music, how his face turns straight with concentration as he focuses on his rhythm, how nothing else in the world matters as long as there's a beat to create a story with.


"Felix!" "What?" I turned my attention towards a grinning Seungmin.

"You've been drooling for nearly ten minutes. Just go say something."

"What are yo-" "Oh, don't even try to lie." Changbin countered, taking his place behind the tall puppy.

"Everyone sees the way you look at him. How you watch his every move, how you drool over him as he dances. You're not good at hiding things, Lix."

I pouted, turning to look at Lee Know only to notice he was already looking at me.

He was panting from his practice, his hair sticking to his forehead as droplets of sweat sprinkled his skin.

My cheeks lit up before I turned away, scowling at the giggling duo.


"Lix," Lee Know started as we all headed towards our bedrooms. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

I gulped but nodded, wondering if he was going to scold me for my dancing this afternoon. I was still far too flustered to focus. I'd understand if he was furious with me.

"What is it, hyung?" Walking into his room, he closed the door behind him, locking it.

The sound echoed throughout the room as I gulped, fear yet excitement coursing through my veins.

"Take a seat, Lix." Nodding, I hesitantly sat on his bed, my hands folding together in my lap.

The older sat next to me, a weary but curious look in his eyes.

"As part of danceracha, it is my job to teach you and Hyunjin the choreography. We're the main dancers, so we must work harder."

I nodded, wondering what he was getting at. Maybe he's trying to tell me that I shouldn't be on daneracha and should try to vocalracha. I'd be gutted but I'd understand.

"But even as a student, you watch me too intently." "Hyung, I-"

"I'm not finished." He interrupted. I bit my lip before looking down at my lap, embarrassed beyond repair.

"Your eyes are constantly on me, watching my every move, every action, every breath. Lix, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you have a thing for me."

Chuckling, I continued to stare at my lap, not wanting to meet his gaze, even though I could feel it piercing through my soul. "That'd be crazy."

Silence filled the room and after a few moments, I couldn't stand it.

Glancing up, I finally met his gaze. His hunger and lust filled gaze.

"Felix," Lee Know started, scooting closer to me as his hand took hold of mine. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy you watching me dance."

What did he just say?


Lee Know grinned, that playful look in his eyes. "I almost feel the need to work harder with your eyes on me. Or, at least, work better."

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