
4.4K 53 18

⚠️ choking, voice kink, sensory deprivation, breath play, sir kink, pet names, edging

✨️ dom Felix x sub female reader ✨️

💛 word count: 1935


I danced around the house to the sound of Stray Kids blasting through the stereo while I cleaned house.

Thunderous was currently playing, the music video streaming on the tv.

I was trying not to get distracted by it, but I couldn't help but stop and watch whenever Felix popped up on screen.

His vocals and his dancing always catch my eye.

Sighing, I lowered the music so that I wouldn't get as distracted and I could continue cleaning.

The boys will be home tonight from their schedule, and I need the house to look amazing.

After I finally finished tidying up and cleaning, I decided to unwind by watching the latest fancams for Felix.

I don't get to view most of their events, so I keep up by watching the fancams and such.

I know that if I asked, the boys would find a way for me to view their schedules, but I'd rather stay at the house and be productive.

Plus, by doing it this way, I can fangirl over my boyfriend in peace.

And, boy oh boy, do I fangirl.

Felix has become a lot more confident with his body and it really shows on stage.

He's more willing to lift his shirt, wear shorter sleeves, and just has an overall more confident presence on stage.

I love to see it.

But I get to see Felix be confident in more ways than one. Especially when it comes to the bedroom.

Felix is very much a dominant, contrary to popular belief.

He's a very hard dom, too, which shocked me at first. I expected him to be a dominant, but not a hard dominant.

I do love it, though.

He's so kind and sweet outside of our scenes, but during them, he's a ruthless man who's more than happy to toss me around like a ragdoll.

One stipulation Chan had on the house whenever the company offered to buy it for the boys was that he wanted every room to be soundproof.

That way, everyone could do what they wanted without anyone else hearing it.

3racha produce music pretty late at night sometimes and didn't want it to keep everyone else awake or bother anyone.

But it also means that Felix and I can do whatever we want, whenever we want, without having to worry about the others hearing us.

It's amazing.

I decided to watch Felix focus fancams, those being my favorites.

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