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⚠️ praise kink, collarbone fetish

✨️ dom Jeongin x sub Seungmin ✨️

💛 word count: 868


Jeongin was wearing a purple sweater that was sitting rather low on his chest, showcasing his collarbones and just enough of his chest to drive me insane.

I had to try to keep myself calm and collected but boy was it difficult.

Jeongin finally looked over, his eyes darkening as soon as they met mine.

'Behave' is all he mouthed before going back to talking with the other members about the performance we were about to do.

We were getting ready to film for our 'STAYing Home' performance, and had I known he was going to dress like that, I would have said I was sick in order to stay home.

Not that it would have worked, Chan would have forced me to come either way.

"Seungmin!" Chan shouted, catching my attention. "You ready?"

I nodded, not daring to make eye contact with the boy in the purple sweater.

We started the concert of sorts and I did my best to not look at Jeongin. I just couldn't.

At one point he even pushed his sleeves up, revealing his veiny arms and hands. Fuck me.

It's almost as if he could hear my thoughts as he turned to face me, giving me a sly wink.

After what seemed like forever, we finally ended the performance. But the night was far from over as Jeongin pulled me into the dressing room, telling the others that we would meet them in the van shortly.

Locking the door behind us, Jeongin pushed me towards the couch. I gulped as I fell back onto the furniture, loving the darkness clouding his eyes.

"You just couldn't keep your eyes off of me, could you, puppy?"

Shaking my head slowly, my eyes began to trail from his own to his lovely collarbones that were still on display for me.

Licking my lips, my eyes darted back up to meet my boyfriend's as I begged, "Innie...please."

Tilting his head to the side, the younger straddled my waist before questioning, "Please, what, puppy? What do you want from me?"

I whined, wishing he would just fuck me already instead of teasing me like this.

"Better hurry up, love, everyone is waiting for us." "Please use me." I whimpered.

Jeongin grinned, reaching to unbutton my pants and his. "See, now that's a good boy, using your words."

Standing up, Jeongin pulled his pants down before motioning for me to do the same.

Doing as instructed, I pulled them down. But before I could ask what we were doing, Jeongin was pushing me back down onto the couch.

I braced myself, holding onto the edge of the couch as the younger pulled my legs up against his chest.

"Now, don't be too loud, puppy." Jeongin teased as he aligned himself with my entrance.

"Wait, we didn't use any l-" My concern was quickly cut off as Jeongin began to push inside of me.

My head fell back as my mouth fell open at the borderline painful stretch.

Jeongin soon bottomed out, and I assumed since we weren't using any lube, that maybe he would go easy on me.

Wrong. As soon as he saw me sigh in relief, he pulled out and then slammed back inside of me.

My hand flew to cover my mouth as I almost screamed, only making the smaller grin mischievously.

"What's wrong, puppy? You asked me to use you."

I cried out as his thrusts became more harsh, but I was living for every moment of it.

Jeongin kept a tight grip on my legs, angling his hips just right.

"You're doing so good for me, puppy." I whined at his words, loving his praises.

Jeongin reached down as he started to stroke me in time with his thrusts.

"Fuck!" I moaned, finally meeting his hungry gaze.

"Your moans are so beautiful, puppy. All for me."

Nodding in agreement, I could feel myself nearing my edge as he continued with the harsh and quick pace.

"Are you close, puppy? Your eyes are glossing over like you're close." "Yes...Innie, please."

He let go of my throbbing dick to lean over me, pushing my legs agaisnt my chest. His arms rested on either side of my head as I whimpered from the new position.

His thrusts were becoming sloppy, and even though I was trying my best to keep my high from nearing, the feeling of him ramming me was too much.

I cried out his name as I came, my head spinning with ecstasy.

Jeongin groaned as he came shortly after, filling me to the brim.

He rode out both of our highs before slowly pulling out. I whimpered at the feeling of being empty, only causing the younger to chuckle.

"You just always want to be full, don't you, puppy?" I nodded while he cleaned the both of us up.

"Well," He started as we began getting dressed. "We'll just have to figure out ways to keep that little ass of yours full then, won't we?"

I nodded my head in excitement, the both of us ready to leave now.

"I love you, puppy." Jeongin spoke softly as he placed a soft kiss to my lips. "I love you, too, Innie."

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