
3.6K 31 15

⚠️ exhibitionism, marking, teasing, begging

✨️ dom Hyunjin x sub gender-neutral reader ✨️

💛 word count: 1626


"Everyone in the van!" Chan shouted, trying to round up all of the kids.

Hyunjin and I giggled as we hurried to the vehicle, the taller picking me up by my waist to prevent me from getting in first.

Spinning me around, he pushed me against the side of the vehicle before pressing his lips to mine.

Before he could really get into the kiss, I slipped away, rushing to jump into the van alongside Jisung.

"What are you guys doing?" Changbin chuckled as Hyunjin climbed into the seat next to me, shooing Jisung away.

"Hyunjin said he could beat me to the van." Turning to face the male, I stuck out my tongue playfully before adding, "He was wrong."

Chan finally climbed into the van after everyone else had. He turned to face Hyunjin and I with a sigh, "You two need to behave while we're on this trip. I don't want to have to play the bad guy and put you both in time out."

"Yes, father." Hyunjin and I mocked in unison, giggling with each other afterward.

The whole ride to the resort consisted of Hyunjin teasing me in between his petty arguments with the members.

His large hand rested between my thighs, rubbing gentle circles onto my inner thigh. The small, yet powerful, action was going to drive me insane.

I tried to smack his hand away, but my efforts were pointless.

All of the guys seemed to become in their own little world, leaving Hyunjin and I to entertain ourselves while they all sang and squirmed about in their seats.

Finally, he released my thigh and I could breathe.

The relief only lasted a few minutes before the taller was wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

Deciding to turn the tables, I rested my hand on his upper thigh, feeling him tense underneath my palm.

Every few seconds, I'd inch closer and closer to his waist. But just as I was about to reach out and touch where he needed me most, I pulled my hand away to lean forward and give Felix a hug over the seat.

I wrapped my arms around the other's neck, hearing him chuckle as he patted my arms, "Hi."

"I want attention. Hyunjin isn't giving me any." I whined, hearing the male beside me mumble something under his breath.

"Well, we're watching a movie on Seungmin's phone. Join us." Felix turned his head to smile at me, causing me to mirror his gentle action.

I nodded, turning my head to stick my tongue out at Hyunjin. He only grinned in response, which I didn't think anything of at the moment.

But after I turned around and got comfortable, sitting on my knees in the backseat as my arms held me up beside Felix's head, I knew why he had that devilish grin on his face.

Hyunjin slowly pulled my shorts down, just enough to where he could push his middle finger into my entrance.

I bit back my moan, turning to glare at him, only to earn a wink in return.

I decided to pretend he wasn't affecting me as I wanted to watch this movie with the guys.

But, after he added a second finger, Hyunjin slowly fingering me while he played on his phone, I couldn't focus enough to enjoy the film.

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