
3.2K 43 18

⚠️ praise kink, restraints, sir kink, multiple orgasms, sensory deprivation

✨️ dom Jeongin x sub Felix ✨️

💛 word count: 2099


I'm an adult. A man. I'm not a young boy anymore.

But Felix still treats me like the fragile maknae that needs protecting.

I used to find it cute and endearing, and I still do, but I wish he would see me as an adult. As a man.

Lee Know and Seungmin were going over to the other dorm to visit their boyfriends, leaving Felix and I alone.

Biting my lip, I decided to take the opportunity and run with it.

I walked up to Felix's door, my heart pounding in my chest from fear and excitement before knocking softly.

"Come in!" Felix shouted. I watched his smile grow as he saw me enter the room.

"Hi, Innie. What's up?"

Innie. He's called me that for so long. It's a cute nickname, but I want him to start calling me something else.

"Hi, hyung. I wanted to discuss something with you."

The freckled boy only nodded, scooting over so that I could sit next to him on the bed.

Taking a deep breath, I just decided to say it. Quick and painless, like ripping off a bandaid.

"Hyung, as much as I love how caring you are towards me, I really wish you would stop seeing me as a child."

Felix furrowed his brows, "I'm sorry, Innie. I never realized I was doing that."

Glancing over at the boy, I could tell he was sincere. Smiling softly, I accepted his apology.

"I guess my little Innie had to grow up eventually." Felix pouted, making my heart flutter.

"I've grown up, alright." I mumbled, getting up to leave his room.

But I was stopped as Felix grabbed my wrist, pulling me back down onto the bed.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing, I..." I trailed off, wondering how to phrase this. "I've just matured a lot, and I wish you would see it."

I wish you would see me. See how mature and grown and attractive I've become.

Felix furrowed his brows again, looking confused but intrigued. "What is it you wish I would see?"

I bit my lip, not really wanting to get into this conversation. As much as I want to, I don't want to ruin our friendship.

I've liked Felix for a while now, but I could never say anything. He's so pretty, it's intimidating.

But all I've wanted these past few nights is to hear him scream for me.

"Just forget I said anything, hyung. It's pointless and stupid anyway." I mumbled, playing with his bedsheets.

Silence filled the room before Felix was moving, repositioning himself onto my lap.

The older straddled my waist, his arms falling over my shoulders.

A glint of mischief shone in his eyes as he questioned, "Does it have to do with your little crush on me?"

"How did y-" "I can see it in your eyes, Innie. You look at me differently now."

If only you knew how I looked at you, how I pictured you.

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