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⚠️ noona kink, slight praise kink

✨️ dom female reader x sub Jeongin ✨️

💛 word count: 1314


I was at the boys' dorm, just hanging out like I always do.

They had just gotten done with their latest performance and were very exhausted but still wanted me to come over.

I've been friends with the boys for a while, but I've always been really close with the maknae, Jeongin.

We're almost like siblings, but only if siblings did literally everything together.

It's not weird for us to do things together, it's actually super weird if we're not sharing the same activity.

So when I went over and Jeongin refused to cuddle with me like normal, everyone was alarmed.

I decided to brush it off, assuming that maybe he was just really tired.

Chris could see how upset I was, so he decided that we'd all watch a movie together, forcing the youngest to sit beside me.

I was really hurt that he didn't even want to snuggle, but I decided to be a big girl and accept it. We can't always do everything together.

There is a couple years difference between Jeongin and I, me being the same age as Changbin, so I can't be upset with him if he decides he doesn't want to do something with me.

It's just weird because we've always done everything together. Maybe he's grown out of that phase.

I started to get really into my own feelings and just couldn't take it anymore.

Leaning over to Chris, who was sat on the other side of me, I whispered, "I'm just going to go home, okay? I'll come visit tomorrow, though, I promise."

He pouted but nodded nonetheless. "Do you want one of us to walk you out?"

I shook my head, smiling warmly at him. He's so caring and sweet.

I got up from my spot, wishing all of the boys farewell.

As I went to go put on my shoes, I heard someone shuffling behind me.

As I looked, it was Jeongin. "Noona? Can I...Can I talk to you?" "Of course, Innie."

He took my hand and led me into his bedroom, softly closing the door behind him.

We sat down on his bed, where he fiddled with his fingers before speaking. "I'm sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?" "I was cold to you. Hyung says I hurt your feelings."

I smiled softly, placing my hand on top of his, causing him to look up at me. "It's okay, Innie."

He nodded, going back to staring at the floor.

"Can you tell me why you were so cold to me, though?"

Jeongin bit his lip before he shook his head, "It's embarrassing. Can we...just pretend nothing happened?"

I thought for a second before shaking my head, "It can't be that bad. You really did hurt my feelings. We've always done everything together, so when you didn't even want to even be near me...that did hurt."

He nodded, pouting softly as he looked up to meet my eyes. "Do you promise you won't get upset?"

"Of course, I could never be upset with you, Innie."

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