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⚠️ just soft sex

✨️ dom Seungmin x sub female reader ✨️

💛 word count: 643


Today was a chill day for me, my entire day being laid out on the couch while I caught up with my current readings.

I didn't even bother getting dressed, as I knew I wouldn't be leaving the house. I stayed in one of Seungmin's shirts, feeling comforted by the lingering smell of the taller.

After a while, Seungmin finally came home, resting his bag by the door as he called out that he was going to shower.

I hummed in response, not really taking my attention off of my book.

The faint sound of the shower running was a calming white noise that added to the calmness of my reading.

Soon, the sound went away and I could hear Seungmin approaching.

He climbed over my frame, placing gentle kisses to the back of my neck.

I sighed into his touch, going to set my book down.

"No, it's okay. Don't let me interrupt your reading, baby." Seungmin spoke gently before continuing to place kisses along my exposed shoulder.

I shuddered at his tone before going back to my book.

It was hard to focus while he left love bites across my skin, the words on the pages becoming one big blurb.

I felt his hand wander down my frame, the anticipation of where it was going to land building inside of me.

Finally resting on the back of my thigh, he grazed the area as he then began to slowly lift the fabric of the shirt I was wearing, pushing it up my body until my panties were fully exposed.

I could hear him groan gently, his large hand groping one of my ass cheeks.

I whimpered into his touch, the book in my hands becoming just an object for me to grip onto at this point.

Seungmin pushed my panties to the side before slipping his member inside of me without warning or prep.

Shoving my face into the couch, I cried out at the sudden stretch.

Seungmin nuzzled his face against the nape of my neck, letting out a groan as he pushed against my walls.

"Sorry, baby, I just couldn't resist." The taller apologized, placing a soft kiss to my shoulder as he waited for me to adjust.

"It's okay." I breathed out against the fabric of the couch, my head spinning with pleasure as I felt Seungmin throb inside of me.

He soon sat up, slowly pulling out of me before pushing back in.

Turning my head to the side, I moaned gently at the feeling.

Seungmin picked up his pace little by little but never went too fast.

His large hands gripped my waist as he sunk his cock into me, soft groans and moans leaving his lips.

"Min." I moaned as I felt myself nearing my release.

Seungmin only moaned in response, his grip tightening on my waist.

His thrusts became sloppy and I could feel his member twitching inside of me.

I tried to hold my climax in order to wait for him but I just couldn't, the pleasure was overwhelming.

I cried out as I came, clutching onto the book in my hands as euphoria coursed through my veins.

I could hear Seungmin moan before I felt him release inside of me. I whimpered at the feeling of being filled to the brim.

After we both calmed down from our highs, Seungmin gently pulled out of me before rushing off to grab a cleaning cloth.

He gently cleaned us up, laying down beside me afterwards.

I snuggled into his chest, sighing in content as his scent filled my senses.

"Go ahead and rest, baby. We'll have dinner once you've woken up." The taller spoke softly as he combed his fingers through my hair.

Nodding, I focused on the sound of his heartbeat as I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

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