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⚠️ pegging, praise, cross dressing, mommy kink

✨️ dom female reader x sub Felix ✨️

💛 word count: 847


My girlfriend isn't going to be home from work for a couple hours, but I need her now. I'm so horny and needy.

I know I shouldn't text her because she'll just tell me to wait until she gets home. But I'm needy now...

Deciding to break the 'no playing without permission' rule, I went to the toy chest and pulled out the dildo with a suction cup on it.

I grabbed the lube from the bedside table before sticking the dildo onto the hardwood floor, squirting some lube onto the phallic object.

I debated on whether or not to stretch myself, but decided I was far too needy to waste time. The pain will go away quickly, it's fine.

Lifting up my little white skirt, I began to sink down onto the dildo, wincing at the stretch.

I sat there for a few moments, allowing myself to adjust, before slowly beginning to bounce on the object.

Soft whimpers and whines escaped my lips as I did, my palms planted on the floor to keep myself stable.

As I began to pick up my pace, I could feel the dildo brush past my prostate. Letting out a soft moan, my head fell back with how good I was feeling.

"Well well well. Princess just couldn't wait, could he?" I jumped at the sound of her voice, immediately pulling myself off the dildo and falling to the floor.

I looked up to meet her gaze, seeing that fire in them.

"You didn't want to text Mommy and ask for permission?"

Softly shaking my head, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I've been so good lately, I can't believe I let myself break a rule.

"Hey, don't cry beautiful." She knelt in front of me, wiping the tears that had fallen.

"You've been so good for Mommy lately, I think I can let this one go."

My eyes lit up, a small smile tugging at my lips.

"Poor baby was probably so needy. Do you want Mommy to help?" I nodded eagerly, causing her to giggle.

"Alright, Princess. Why don't you go lay on the bed." I jumped up and ran to the bed, watching as she took something from the toy box before going into the bathroom.

I patiently waited for her to return, wondering if I should remove my skirt and top. But I decided against it, wanting to wait for her instructions.

She finally left the bathroom, a large strap on tied around her. I gulped, excited yet nervous. We've never used the big one before.

Laying down, she motioned for me to come over. Hovering over her, she rested her hands on my hips as she slowly guided me down.

I whimpered at the new size. This strap on was around an inch longer than our others but it was also girthy as fuck.

The stretch wasn't as bad as I had already prepped myself but dear god.

"Such a good boy." She praised, rubbing soft circles onto my skin as I rested for a moment, waiting to adjust.

"I want you to ride Mommy like you were riding that dildo, okay beautiful?" I nodded, biting my lip as I began to bounce, my hands resting on her waist.

Whimpers and moans escaped my lips as I tried to reach my high.

I establilshed a steady rhythm, my skirt bouncing along with me.

She bit her lip as she watched my skirt, glancing at my twitching dick every now and then.

She finally groaned, halting my actions by holding my hips down.

I whimpered at the feeling of the strap on pushing deep inside of me, but didn't have long to enjoy the feeling as she pulled out, flipping us over.

I squealed at the action, looking up at her with big doe eyes.

"You are so gorgeous bouncing on top of me, but I really just want to rail you. Is that okay, love?"

Nodding quickly, she only grinned before slamming back into me.

A loud and strangled moan escaped my lips at the sudden intrusion, and from a new angle, too.

Both of her hands rested on my hips, her nails digging into the skin just above my skirt.

From this new angle, she was able to hit my prostate head on and drive me absolutely insane.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as that feeling of ecstasy began to overcome me.

"Mommy I...I'm gonna cum." "Cum for Mommy, beautiful."

She quickened her pace, trying to push me over the edge.

After a few more thrusts, I was releasing all over my skirt and abdomen, my back arching off the bed as moans filled the room.

She rode me through my high, slowly pulling out of me afterwards.

Placing a kiss to my forehead, she mumbled softly, "I'm gonna go run you a bath, okay?"

I nodded weakly, still trying to come back down from my high.

She only giggled before leaving to go run my bath.

Maybe I should break that rule more often...

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