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⚠️ soft sex, angst?

✨️ dom Chan x sub Jisung ✨️

💛 word count: 1714


Chan was out with Changbin and Felix getting wasted at a local club while Jisung, Seungmin, and Hyunjin were left at home worrying about their boyfriends.

Jeongin and Minho were the only ones asleep, not having to worry about their significant other.

Meanwhile, the three worried boyfriend's were talking in the living room over cups of hot chocolate while they waited for their drunk other halves to walk in that door.

After what seemed like hours, the three drunken boys finally stumbled in the door, laughing loudly as they did so.

Hyunjin and Seungmin immediately stood up, going to fetch their very intoxicated boys, taking then to their rooms.

Jisung, however, remained in his seat, wondering why he was even dating the blond.

Chan was always out with Changbin and Felix, and they were usually getting drunk.

Jisung only existed after hours whenever Chan needed him for his own pleasure.

And Jisung had had enough of it. He wanted to feel loved and cared for, not like some sexual object that was tossed aside whenever he wasn't needed.

Chan only looked at the younger through hazy eyes, wondering why his boyfriend hadn't gotten up to walk him to their bedroom.

"Ji?" Chan stumbled over to the brunet, trying his best to not trip and fall.

Jisung only sighed, finally standing up to help his boyfriend.

After he walked the drunken boy to their shared bedroom, Jisung got him ready for bed, tucking in the older before turning to leave.

"Ji? Where...Where are you going?" Chan hiccupped, slurring his words slightly.

"I'm going to go sleep on the couch." "But why?"

Jisung sighed, turning towards the clueless boy, tears brimming his eyes as he spoke, "Because I am so tired of this, Chan. I'm so tired of you coming home at odd hours of the night drunk off your ass, expecting nothing but sex from me. You act like you're only with me because of the sex. Do you even love me?"

The younger was now in tears, causing the blond to sit up in bed out of concern. Hearing his boyfriend cry sobered him up real quick.

"Of course I love you, Ji. I didn't...I didn't know you felt that way."

It was now his turn to tear up, reality hitting him like a brick to the face.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I never meant to make you feel like that."

Jisung felt bad, seeming as Chan looked to be sincere. But he was too hurt to easily forgive the boy.

"Just get some rest, Chan. We'll continue talking about this in the morning."

Chan jumped out of bed, pushing the brunet against the door before he could open it.

"No, I want to talk about it now. Ji," He started, his eyes softening as he mumbled. "I'm really fucking sorry. Baby, I never meant to make you feel that way, I swear. I guess I just got carried away with a couple things, not realizing how they effected you."

Chan's arms fell down to his side, silent tears spilling down his face. "I'm so sorry. I should have been a better boyfriend and checked in on you more often."

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