
2.8K 31 37

⚠️ femboy/crossdressing, restraints, sensory deprivation, choking, biting/marking, subspace, daddy kink

✨️ dom Chan x sub Changbin ✨️

💛 word count: 1633


Changbin's style has been evolving lately and I'm absolutely here for it.

He's been wearing more pinks and blues, the tones really suiting his skin tone.

We all decided to spend the day shopping, none of us having any schedules today. We all needed some time out of the dorms, too.

As Changbin stepped out of our room, my jaw was on the floor.

He was dressed in all pink, the color looking beautiful on him.

He was wearing pastel pink denim jeans with a rhinestone belt, pairing it with a cropped baby pink tank top and white sneakers.

His muscles were on full display, only making me drool over the younger.

His eyes flickered to meet mine, that playful glint in them.

He did this on purpose, that little shit. God, I love him.

While everyone was filing outside so that we could head towards the mall, I pulled Changbin to the back of the group, holding his hand.

"You look beautiful, love."

His cheeks blushed a soft pink as he looked at the ground while we walked. "Thank you, daddy."

The entire walk, Changbin never let go of my hand. I didn't mind, of course, but it makes me thinks he's wanting something.

Skinship, to be touched, I'm not sure. But I'm going to figure it out and give it to him.

We finally reached the mall, everyone splitting up to go to the shops they wanted. We agreed to meet at the food court in a couple hours, though, knowing we'd all get home at weird times if we didn't set a time.

Turning to face Changbin, I smiled as I asked where he'd like to go to first.

I followed him around the mall for a while, watching him pick out a few items for his new aesthetic.

I couldn't help but admire the way he looked in his current outfit, mesmerized by his muscles.

I may be the dominant in this relationship, but god damn do his muscles make me weak.

Once he was finished with the shop we were in, we both walked out hand in hand.

"Where to now, love?" "Can we go in here?"

He pointed to a shop, and as my eyes followed his finger, I sighed. An adult shop. Great. Just what I need.

But anything for my baby.

We walked into the shop, Changbin immediately letting go of my hand and going towards the bondage section.

I watched him pick up a silk blindfold, his fingers grazing the fabric as he admired it.

Walking up behind him, I rested my chin on his shoulder. "Do you want that, love?"

He only nodded, turning around to hand me the item.

His eyes shined brightly as he gazed back into mine, a glimmer of lust in them.

Changbin walked off, leaving me standing there with a silk blindfold and a hard on.

I followed him around the shop until it was time for us to go meet the guys.

Paying for the few items that he had picked up, I took hold of his hand once more as we walked towards the food court.

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