
3.9K 47 41

⚠️ mention of cross dressing, ass eating, tiny pp, light praise kink

✨️ switch Felix x sub Jisung ✨️

💛 word count: 1519


All of the members dress fairly masculine, with the exception of crop tops. We do all enjoy our crop tops.

But Jisung and I really enjoy wearing skirts, dresses, and hyper feminine outfits.

We love to match whenever we got out and even at the dorms. The members think it's cute and encourage us to feel comfortable enough to dress the way we want.

Jisung's one of my best friends, we tell each other everything and do just about everything together.

So when I was up reading fanfiction about the group one night and I stumbled across a certain fan group, I got really curious and wanted to ask the boy so many questions.

"Ji?" I called out, hoping that he wasn't asleep yet.

"Hm?" The sleepy boy turned over in his bed, facing me with half closed eyes. "What is it, Lix?"

"Can I ask you a question?"

He raised his brow, "Is this from one of those weird stories you like to read about us?"

Nodding my head, he only sighed before laying flat on his back, "Fine, go ahead."

"Do you have a small penis?"

"What?!" He jumped up to stare directly at me, his eyes wide in shock as his legs dangled over the side of the bed.

"There's a large group of writers who are very strong on the 'Jisung small penis' idea and I was just curious." I clarified, watching his reaction.

Jisung only stared at me, his eyes a mixture of emotions and feelings that I couldn't decipher.

"I don't have a small penis, Lix. Go to bed."

Rolling back over and pulling the covers over his head, I heard Jisung let out a sigh before the room fell silent.

Deciding to let it go, I went back to reading my books under the covers as to not let the light from my phone bother the sleeping boy.

That was, until I heard soft sniffles. Peaking my head out, I could see Jisung shaking softly under his covers.

I quickly got out of bed and went to snuggle the crying boy.

As I held his head to my chest, his sobs got louder while he clung onto my shirt.

"Lix, I...I do. And I hate it."

Running my fingers through his hair, I tried my best to soothe him.

"Why do you hate it? There's nothing wrong with that, Ji."

"There's so much wrong with it. How am I supposed to get a boyfriend with a tiny penis? Nobody wants a boy with a small penis, Lix."

"That's not true. There's plenty of us that find smaller penises rather cute."

His cries soon became sniffles as he thought for a moment before looking up at me.

"You said 'us.'" He pointed out, looking up at me with confused eyes.

Nodding, I continued to run my fingers through his hair as we gazed into each other's eyes.

"Lix, do you...do you like boys?" He questioned gently, his tone of voice full of hope.

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