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⚠️ light praise/reassurance kink, first-time sex, soft sex

✨️ dom Jisung x sub gender-neutral reader ✨️

💛 words: 1129


I was sat on Jisung's lap, my fingers tangled in his hair while our lips crashed against one another's. His hands held my waist tightly, pulling me closer to his body.

This is the most intimate we've ever been if you don't count seeing each other naked in the shower.

Ji's been so patient with me about waiting until I'm ready. He doesn't try to pressure me or take advantage of innocent moments, such as showering together.

I don't think I could ask for a better, and more understanding, boyfriend.

We finally broke apart for air, resting our foreheads against one another's. Ji smiled, "Would you like to go watch a movie?" My heart fluttered at his gentleness.

Just as he was about to pick me up off his lap, I placed my hands on his shoulders to have him stop for a moment.

We gazed into each other's eyes for a second before I was a blushing and mumbling mess. "Ji, maybe we could...we could just...just stay here? And maybe...you know...be more intimate?"

Jisung smiled warmly, intertwining our fingers together, "Baby, are you trying to say you're ready?"

My cheeks blushed a deep red as I nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed that I couldn't communicate it the way I wanted to. But I know Jisung finds my shyness adorable and endearing.

Placing one of his palms against my cheek, I melted into his touch as he questioned if I were sure. I nodded, giving him a reassuring smile, "I am."

"We can stop whenever you want, okay, baby?" Ji spoke softly before he pulled me into a gentle kiss.

I sighed into the kiss, letting myself relax into his touch.

I'm definitely nervous since it's my first time and I don't know what I'm doing, but I just feel comfortable around Jisung. I know I'm safe. I knew that whenever I decided I was ready, it would be okay because it would be with Ji.

Jisung gently laid us down on the mattress, hovering over my frame as our lips stayed connected.

His fingers traced soothing lines along my waist for a few minutes before we were pulling away from each other.

"I'm going to start removing our clothes, okay, baby?" His voice was laced with love and tenderness as he spoke, his fingers playing with the hem of my shirt.

I nodded, smiling up at the male, "Okay, Ji."

I watched as he removed each item of clothing from our bodies with such care, making my heart flutter. I love him.

Jisung quickly rushed off to grab something before falling back onto the bed.

I was too focused on his features to even notice him lubing up two of his fingers.

Jisung smiled gently, making my head ache at how handsome he is. "I'm gonna prep you now, baby, okay? Let me know if we need to stop."

Nodding, I held back a whimper as Jisung pushed his middle finger into my entrance. I've fingered myself a few times, so the experience was nothing new, but it feels so much better with Ji doing it.

As he entered his second finger, I couldn't stop the little moan from escaping my lips, earning a chuckle from the male, "Baby, you can moan. In fact, I'd love to hear you."

I could feel my cheeks burning from his words, his tone of voice sounding seductive and low, which wasn't helping anything.

Jisung continued to scissor me, being as gentle and tender as possible as he prepped me for our first time together.

After a few more minutes, Ji pulled away, eliciting a whine from me. This only caused him to chuckle softly as he applied some lube to his shaft, stroking it slowly as he spoke, "Tell me if you need a break, or want to stop or slow down. Anything. Okay, baby?"

"Okay, Ji." I replied with a shaky breath, nervous yet calm, knowing Ji would take care of me.

Aligning his tip with my entrance, Jisung slowly began to push inside. I winced at the initial sensation of the pressure and pain, my mouth falling slightly agape with a silent cry.

He took his time, not wanting to hurt me. As he bottomed out, he fell to rest on his forearms, his face being buried into the crook of my neck.

I whimpered from the feeling of being utterly full, tears welling in my eyes at the still slightly painful stretch.

Ji whispered sweet nothings against my skin as he peppered the area with butterfly kisses. "You're doing great, baby. Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"It hurts." I whispered, running my fingers through his hair to try and distract myself. His soft praises definitely made the butterflies in my stomach flutter.

He pulled back with a worried expression, his hands on either side of my head as he questioned if we should stop. I shook my head, a smile tugging at my lips with how caring he was being, "No, I'm okay. It'll feel better, right?"

"It will. We'll wait until the pain has faded to continue, okay? Just let me know, baby." I nodded in response, pulling him down into a gentle and passionate kiss.

We stayed like that for a while until I finally felt like he could move. The pain has subsided and I'm starting to feel the pleasure as Jisung slowly pulls out before pushing back in, establishing a gentle yet sensual rhythm.

I gasped at the feeling, my head falling back while Jisung continued placing kisses along my jawline as a sign of comfort.

Soft groans left his lips as he continued his rhythm, his hands gripping the sheets beside my head.

"Ji." I moaned out, the feeling of euphoria clouding my mind with each thrust. "God, you sound so lovely, baby." Jisung rasped out, eliciting another whine from his words.

He slowly began to pick up his pace, but never went too fast or rough, keeping a gentle and loving pace. The slow yet sensual rhythm had my head swooning.

The blissful sensation of euphoria began to cloud my senses as Jisung kept a steady pace, the feeling of his warm breath fanning my skin only adding to the feeling.

"Oh, god, Jisung!" I cried out as I held onto his shoulders, my orgasm hitting me hard.

Jisung moaned against my ear as his thrusts faltered. Soon he was pulling out and cumming onto my stomach. I moaned at the scene, whimpering from his erotic facial expression as he came.

Falling to rest on his forearms, he gently kissed my temple, "Are you okay, baby?"

I nodded, smiling as I stared up at the ceiling, still coming down from my high, "I'm great." He only chuckled at my response before sitting up, "Let's go take a shower."

With some help from Ji, we both showered together, Jisung pampering me the entire time.

After we were finished, we dressed in some comfy clothing before finally settling down for a late-night movie while we held each other.

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