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⚠️ voice kink, praise kink, sir kink, crossdressing

✨️ dom Seungmin x sub Felix ✨️

💛 word count: 1133


Seungmin and I decided to go shopping after our regular breakfast date.

Well, it was more like Seungmin decided that I was going to go shopping but that's besides the point.

He spoils me so much that it's borderline ridiculous, but I love seeing how happy he is whenever he gets to do something for me.

I can't help but play along just to see the light in his eyes.

"Lix," Seungmin started, stopping in his tracks as he pointed to an adult shop. "Let's go in here."

Before I could even begin to object, the tall puppy was dragging me into the shop.

My cheeks lit up at the sight of the lingerie on the racks accompanied with all of the toys lined along the walls.

"Min, why are we in here?" I questioned softly, looking around at the lingerie sets before us, quite intrigued.

He leaned closer to me, speaking softly against my neck, "I want you to pick out some nice outfits for me, okay?"

The sound of his voice sent shivers down my spine and blood rushing to my dick.

"Yes, Sir." I whispered before going back to looking over the lingerie and play sets.

Seungmin slowly walked around the store, his eyes glued to me like I was a movie on the big screen.

I could see an associate walk up to Seungmin out of my peripheral vision, and the next thing I knew, she was standing right beside me.

"I think you'd like these over here better." She led me over to a rack with two piece sets that resembled clothes school girls would wear.

Plaid skirts, little crop tops, and knee highs. I gulped, glancing back at Seungmin only to find him looking at me with those hungry eyes.

I finally decided on a pastel purple skirt paired with a cropped white shirt and white knee high socks.

The girl who was helping me said I would look very nice in these, so I decided I might as well get them. If a girl thinks it's gonna look great surely she's right. Right?

Seungmin paid for the items, never allowing me to pay for anything, before we walked out of the shop.

"Are we going straight home?" I questioned softly, playing with the straps of the bag.

Seungmin nodded, a slight grin tugging at his lips.


The silk blindfold was cool against my eyes while the fabric of the skirt was tight around my waist.

I have no clue where Seungmin is and it's driving me crazy. A good kind of crazy but crazy.

I felt his warm breath on my neck before he placed a soft and chaste kiss to the area. "You look beautiful, Baby Boy."

"Thank you, Sir." I whined, wishing I was being touched right now. His voice does something to me and he knows it.

He could talk to me all day and I'd enjoy every second of it, both because he's the love of my life and because his voice is just so damn sexy.

"Does the pretty boy want to be touched?" His fingers grazed over the tent in my skirt, only causing a whine to escape my throat.

"Please." I begged, tugging at the material of the skirt.

Seungmin's hand was gripping my throat before he questioned, "I'm sorry, please what?"

"Please, Sir. I would like to be touched. Baby needs to be touched."

I could almost feel him smirking as he got the answer he wanted. "Then touched Baby shall be."

Tossing me onto the bed like a ragdoll, I felt the bed dip as Seungmin rested his hands on either side of my waist.

His large hands gripping my tiny waist was causing me to swoon. I love how small I look compared to him. I just wish I could see it right now.

"Rough or slow?" "Rough, Sir, please."

Seungmin hummed in response before aligning himself up with my hole.

I gulped, trying my best to prepare for what was to come. But I can never fully prepare myself for the massive stretch that is Seungmin's dick.

"Color?" "Green." With the go ahead, Seungmin pushed the tip inside of me, eliciting a high pitched whine from me.

I thought maybe he was going to start off slow and then pick up the pace, but boy was I wrong.

He was only teasing. As soon as that whine left my lips, Seungmin thrust his hips forward, pushing all of him inside of me.

Screaming, my back arched off the bed while my fingers dug into the sheets.

"God, Lix, you're always so tight for me." I whined, nodding my head as he continued to ram into me.

"You're so beautiful, Baby Boy. So beautiful, all for me." My dick twitched as his praise.

His fingers dug into my skin as he angled my hips to hit my prostate.

"Sir!" I cried out once he found it, my head already spinning from the pleasure.

"Your whines and moans are so melodic, Baby. Scream for me again, I want to hear you scream."

Seungmin pulled out before he flipped me over onto my stomach, not wasting any time as he slammed himself back into me.

I screamed once more, trying to muffle the sound by shoving my face into the sheets.

The new angle was enough to have me nearing my edge.

Seungmin's fingers laced into my hair, pulling my head back. "I want to hear you, beautiful. Don't hide."

Whining, I nodded my head as I tried my best to keep it up and off the bed.

"Sir, I...I'm so close." "Cum for me, beautiful."

The pet name alone was enough to send me over the edge. I came with a scream of his name, my knuckles turning white with how tightly I was gripping the sheets.

Seungmin rode me through my high, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he neared his own.

"Fuck." Seungmin swore under his breath as he came, filling me up.

I whined at the feeling of becoming full but loved every second of it.

After a few seconds, Seungmin pulled out, angling my hips so that none of his cum would escape as he went and grabbed a butt plug from the chest.

Easing the plug into my abuse hole, he tapped it gently before rolling me over onto my back, taking the blindfold off. I smiled upon seeing his flushed and gorgeous face.

"I hope I didn't hurt you too badly." He confessed. I shook my head, "You didn't."

"Good." Glancing over my body, he bit his lip. "We are definitely keeping this outfit. You look so fucking hot."

I giggled, nodding my head as I made grabby hands towrads the boy. "Baby wants cuddles now, please." "Anything for you, beautiful."

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