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⚠️ hybrid au, soft sex, breeding kink, pet names

✨️ dom Seungmin x sub Hyunjin ✨️

💛 word count: 2302


"I don't know, Jeongin. I don't know if I could adopt one. I mean, what do they even do?"

"They're just like normal pets, Seungmin. You take care of them and they take care of you. The only difference is they can talk to you and interact with you in ways that normal pets can't."

I bit my lip, glancing over at Jeongin's hybrid, Felix. He was a cat hybrid, Jeongin adopted him a few months back.

He's been trying to get me to adopt one ever since, claiming that they're great company. I'm still iffy on it.

"Look," Jeongin began, petting the top of Felix's head, scratching behind his ears while he spoke.

The hybrid seemed to like the action, leaning into his, now boyfriend's, touch.

I didn't even know dating a hybrid was possible, but apparently it's very common. You learn something new every day.

"Why don't we go to the shelter, take a look around, and if one of them stands out, we can go from there."

Sighing, I finally agreed. What's the harm in taking a look around?


Jeongin warned me before we entered the shelter that hybrids can almost sense that their person is close. Hybrids have, what we would call, soul mates, which I also didn't know.

And so, as we entered the shelter, we kept an eye out for the hybrid that seemed the most interested in me.

Walking around, I almost felt uncomfortable with all of the eyes on me. These poor hybrids are just waiting for their person to come and adopt them, but who knows when that'll happen.

It's kind of sad. It's just like entering an animal shelter.

As we neared the end of the long hallway, I was beginning to think maybe I'd just have to come back at a later date to try and find my hybrid.

But as we came to the very last stall, our eyes met.

An adorable puppy hybrid was sat, his head cocked to one side as his big brown eyes gazed back into mine.

I was mesmerized by how beautiful and warm his eyes looked.

Jeongin nudged me, pushing me forward as he told me he was going to go grab a worker.

I knelt down in front of the glass door, our eyes never leaving one another.

"Hi, my name's Seungmin." His ears perked at the sound of my voice, his tail wagging ever so slightly.

Jeongin returned with a worker who soon opened the glass door. He motioned for us to enter, smiling softly at us.

"Do you want me to go wait in the car?" Jeongin questioned softly, wanting to know if I wanted privacy with the hybrid.

Do I? I'm honestly a little scared to be alone with him. I don't know how to interact with hyrbids.

Softly shaking my head, he nodded in understandment before we both entered the little pupy's room.

The closer we got, the further the hybrid scooted back into his room, almost as if he were afraid.

Jeongin leaned in closer, whispering, "Ask him what his name is. Engage in conversation."

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