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⚠️ noona kink, praise kink, puppy play

✨️ dom female reader x sub Jeongin ✨️

💛 word count: 870


I sat on the floor, my feet tucked underneath me as I stared up at her with pleading eyes.

"Noona, please." I begged, feeling myself twitch with neediness.

"Please, what, puppy?" Her voice was laced with lust as she circled me, her eyes looking over my figure as if I were prey.

"Please, I...I need you to touch me." Tears brimmed my eyes as I waited and hoped that maybe she would touch me where I needed her most.

She stopped in front of me, leaning down so that we were eye to eye, before questioning, "Where would you like noona to touch you?"

I gulped, hating to have to say this out loud, ", please." I whined, aching for her touch.

"Your what, puppy? Do you want me to touch you here?" She leaned forward, pressing her lips to my forehead.

Shaking my head, a tear slipped down my cheek. It didn't go past her as I could see her almost break, but she kept going, knowing we'd get there eventually.

"What about here?" Her lips placed a gentle kiss to my neck. I whined at the touch but shook my head once again.

She continued these soft kisses down my body, kissing my chest, my abdomen, and my left thigh.

"Is it here?" Leaning down, she placed a soft kiss to the tip of my member, making me moan from the sensation.

"Yes, noona, please." A grin tugged at her lips as she kissed the area once more.

It took every fiber of my being to not jerk up into her touch. But I know what the reprecussions would be if I were to do that.

"Why didn't you just say so, puppy?" I whined at her teasing as she stood me up before slowly walking us to the bed.

"Go ahead and get comfy, pup. Noona will be right back, okay?" I hesitated for a moment but nodded, watching her walk out of the room.

I gently laid myself onto the mattress, situating my tail so that it was comfortable and visible. She likes to see my tail at all times.

After laying there for a few moments, she finally entered the room once again, fully naked.

"Such a good boy." She praised, making me twitch from the affirmation.

She crawled onto the mattress, soon hovering over my trembling frame.

Taking hold of my member, she lined it up with her entrance. Not sinking down, not pushing in, just holding it there.

Grinning, she questioned, "Why don't you be a good boy and fuck noona?"

I blinked a couple of times, wondering if this might be a trick. I rarely get to initiate sex as noona likes to be the dominant one. Which I don't mind at all.

Deciding to not think about it any longer, I placed my hands on her hips before slamming into her.

She moaned loudly, hanging her head as her hands found their place on my chest.

I love the way she sounds, her moans are like a melody to my ears.

"Fuck, puppy, yes." Her moans only encouraged me to keep going, establishing a rather quick and rough pace.

I moaned at the feeling of her walls tightening around me.

Deciding to test the limits, I questioned, "Noona, can we change positions?"

Without hesitation, she nodded in agreement, her eyes clouded with lust.

Pulling out, I flipped us over. Before she could question anything, I then flipped her over onto her stomach, pulling her hips up towards me.

Doggy style. My favorite.

We don't do it often, and if we do, it's usually her railing me. But every once in a while, I get to fuck her, and it's amazing.

Pushing back in, I moaned at how tight her walls still were before reestablishing a rhythm once more.

Quick and rough was the pace for tonight as I wanted to make her cum as quickly as possible, really loving it when I'm able to make her cum.

"Puppy!" She moaned out, her elbows giving out as she fell onto her face, resting her cheek against the mattress.

From this angle, she could see my tail swaying back and forth as I pounded into her, only seeming to turn her on even more.

I could feel her walls tightening, her moans becoming louder as she warned, "I'm close, puppy."

"Me, too, noona. I'm right behind you."

With just a few more thrusts, she was cumming, lovely moans escaping her lips as she pushed back against me.

Between the feeling of her walls tightening around me and the sounds of her moaning my name, I came shortly after, stilling my actions so that I could cum deep inside of her.

We both moaned as we rested there, waiting for our highs to pass.

As I began to pull out, she questioned, "Would you like a bath?"

Thinking about it for a moment, I rolled her over before nuzzling into her side.

"Maybe later. Can we just cuddle for now?"

She smiled as she wrapped her arm around my frame. "Of course we can."

Sighing in content, I smiled gently to myself.

"I love you, noona."

"I love you, too, puppy."

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