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⚠️ pet play, sex toys, pet names, edging

✨️ dom Lee Know x sub Jeongin ✨️

💛 word count: 796


Jeongin had woken up deep in his headspace, becoming almost nonverbal. He also woke up horny as all hell.

Lee Know was watching the boy from afar all morning, admiring how sexy the younger was while in his headspace.

Jeongin was wearing the collar Lee Know had gotten him last year for their anniversary.

Lee Know loved the look of the collar around the boy's neck, acting as a sort of claim of ownership.

'Master's kitten' was etched into the tag hanging from the collar, only enforcing the claim.

The younger was only wearing an oversized shirt, leaving a lot to the older's imagination.

But Lee Know didn't know that Jeongin was wearing one of his vibrating bullets, his lace panties keeping it inside of him.

It took everything in Jeongin to not cry out at the pleasure the bullet was giving him, but he wanted Lee Know to be the one to make him moan, to make him cum.

Jeongin kept stealing glances at Lee Know all morning. Something about the way he looked today made the younger need him.

But he couldn't just ask. No, that would be too easy.

Lee Know looked up from his computer, his eyes meeting the younger's. He could see the lust and hunger in them from across the room.

The way the younger was eyeing him made his mind run wild.

Without saying a word, Jeongin stood up and walked outside.

Jeongin decided that he'd go for a swim, hoping the older would get the message and join him.

After stripping himself of everything he was wearing, he jumped into the pool.

The cool water made him shiver, but he didn't mind.

Jeongin decided that while he waited on the older, he'd play with himself, really wanting to edge himself close to his high so that Lee Know could make him moan out quicker.

His head fell back as he stroked himself, already feeling overstimulated as he did so. But he loved the feeling, it almost being addicting.

Lee Know heard him jump into the pool, a grin tugging at his lips.

As he walked towards the back, he saw the fox-like boy playing with himself in their pool, his eyes soon becoming locked on Lee Know's as he lifted his head.

Jeongin knew what he was doing. He was teasing the older.

Lee Know began to strip, his clothes piling onto the floor, before he walked outside and jumped into the pool.

Coming up from the water, the two males gazed into each other's eyes.

The younger's eyes plead to be fucked, Lee Know more than willing to oblige.

Jeongin began to slowly swim backwards, backing himself into a corner.

Lee Know's eyes scanned the boy's figure, admiring every inch.

He slowly began to swim closer to the boy, trapping the younger into the corner of the pool.

Without saying a word, Lee Know closed the space between them, crashing his lips onto the younger's.

Jeongin sighed into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Lee Know's neck, pulling him in closer.

The kiss was full of hunger and passion, both boys wanting the other more than words could speak.

Finally breaking apart for air, Lee Know soon attached his lips to the boy's neck, kissing along the area.

Jeongin let out soft whines at the action, his fingers lacing themselves into his boyfriend's hair.

Pulling away from the boy, Lee Know spun him around, the younger now clutching onto the edge of the pool.

Without wasting any time, Lee Know lined his tip up with Jeongin's entrance, pushing inside.

Jeongin moaned, resting his arms on the concrete to hold himself up.

Lee Know groaned as he pushed inside the boy, loving the sensation the water added.

He allowed Jeongin to adjust for a moment, placing butterfly kisses to the back of his neck.

After a few moments, Lee Know pulled out before pushing back in. The waves being created in the pool helping him thrust inside of the boy.

Jeongin was letting out soft moans at the feeling, already nearing his high as he'd been edging himself all morning.

Lee Know's hands gripped the boy's waist as he continued thrusting into him.

As the younger came, he moaned out Lee Know's name, making the older moan from the sound.

He continued to chase his own high, soon coming inside of his boyfriend. He rode out his and Jeongin's highs, hearing Jeongin whine from overstimulation.

Lee Know began to slowly pull away from the younger, catching him as he back away from the edge of the pool.

Jeongin smiled up at Lee Know, the older mirroring his smile.

"Let's go get you cleaned up, Kitten." The boy only nodded, allowing his boyfriend to take care of him.

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