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⚠️ degrading/name calling, choking, quirolfilia

✨️ dom Chan x sub Changbin ✨️

💛 word count: 1032


Jisung, Changbin, and I were all sitting in the studio, trying to work on our upcoming release.

I thought we were all working in peace. The vibe was great as we listened to chill hiphop.

That was, until Jisung abruptly excused himself, claiming that Lee Know needed his help with something real quick.

I watched the boy leave the room, rather quickly I might add, before I turned to look at Changbin. But his attention was already on me.

"Is everything okay? You guys are acting weird."

Changbin bit his lip, that clouded look in his eyes.

Sighing, I turned my body so I was fully facing the younger, resting my arms on my thighs before I questioned, "What did you do, Binnie."

"Nothing, I..." He trailed off, falling silent.

Raising my brow, I glanced down at his already pretty prominent buldge. "Did you push Ji out so that you could get me alone?"

Changbin opened his mouth to respond, but closed it shortly after, hanging his head with a nod.

Standing from my seat, I advanced towards the younger, his eyes immediately meeting mine.

"I didn't mean to-" He cut himself off as I stopped at his feet, slowly leaning in closer to him.

As I leaned in closer to him, he sunk further into the couch, appearing to be so small.

Placing either of my hands on the couch behind him, I grinned at how submissive he can be. Just for me.

"Poor little slut, couldn't even wait until we got home." The younger whimpered, only fueling the fire inside of me.

"Now, why don't you tell me what was so important that you had to interupt our work."

He gulped, seeming to not have the right words.

My hand flew to wrap around his throat, a gasp slipping past his lips as I applied the smallest amount of preasure. "Words Binnie."

"I...I just...your hands...sir...watching you work is hard for Binnie."

I grinned, "I forgot my little slut has a thing for my hands."

Changbin nodded, his eyes clouded with lust as he stared back into mine.

"Well, you've seemed to have won. Jisung is gone. What happens now?"

Taking a step back, the younger whimpered at the loss of contact. His eyes plead for me to fuck him, but I wanted to hear him say it.

"Come on, Binnie. Jisung could be back any minute." I started to sit back down in my chair, knowing he would try to stop me.

He hates to beg but I love to hear it. "Please." He whispered, his cheeks dusting a soft pink.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

He huffed, "Please, sir, I want you to fuck me."

Grinning, I almost pounced on the boy as I connected our lips.

Changbin sighed into the kiss, his hands roaming my torso as he searched for the hem of my shirt.

Slapping his hands away, he only whined at my actions.

Pulling away from the kiss, I began to rid him of his pants and boxers. "Later. Now, be a good boy and lay down."

Doing as told, Changbin laid on the couch, spreading his legs. I groaned to myself, quickly ridding myself of my own jeans and boxers.

"Do you wan-" "No, just fuck me." Raising my brow at the younger, I decided to do as he wished.

I spit on my hand to act as a sort of lube, coating my length as best as possible, before lining myself up with his eager hole.

Glancing at the boy beneath me, I began pushing myself inside of him, not taking any time to allow him to adjust before thrusting at a steady pace.

Changbin's hands flew to cover his mouth as he cried out. God, he looks so beautiful like this.

Leaning forward, I rested my hands on either side of his head, my eyes gazing into his.

"God, Binnie, you're such a needy slut. All you ever want is to be fucked. Is that all you ever think about?" He nodded, moaning at my words.

"Just wait until we get home, Binnie." I groaned, loving how tight he was. "This is just a teaser."

Changbin moaned as I hit his prostate, his eyes falling shut as I abused the spot.

Reaching up, I wrapped my hand around his throat, causing his eyes to flutter back open.

"Come on, cum for me, Binnie."

His hands wrapped around my forearm, soft whimpers escaping his lips with every thrust. "I'm...I'm gonna cum, sir."

His lust filled eyes met mine as he came, his hands flying to cover his mouth as he let out a string of curse words and moans.

The feeling of him tightening around me was enough to send me over the edge.

Leaning down, I buried my face into the crook of his neck to muffle my moans as I came inside of him.

Changbin whimpered at the feeling, loving the feeling of being full with my cum.

We stayed like that for a moment before I began to pull out of him.

Before he could get up, I reached over to the desk, pulling open a drawer that held things specifically for Changbin.

Grabbing a butt plug, I slid it inside of his gaping hole, stopping the cum from dripping out.

"But what if I don't want to wear this?" Changbin pouted, pulling his boxers and pants back on.

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you begged me to fuck you in the studio."

After pulling my own jeans and boxers on, I leaned down once more, placing a quick kiss to his lips.

"It's just a placeholder until round two. Surely you can handle that."

He glared at me as Jisung slowly walked back into the room, questioning, "Is it safe?"

I chuckled, taking my seat at the desk before spinning back around to our work. "It's safe, Ji. Let's finish this song and then we can call it a night."

He only nodded, glancing at Changbin before taking his seat.

I grinned to myself, eager to finish this song so that I could get Changbin home to properly wreck him.

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