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⚠️ ass eating, mommy kink, restraints, sensory deprivation

✨️ dom female reader x sub Hyunjin ✨️

💛 word count: 766


Hyunjin's always been a good boy, eager to receive whatever I give him. He'll do anything for head pats.

But the one thing he refuses to allow me to do is eat his ass. He's so against the idea that I've made it my life mission to eat that ass.

"Jinnie~" "Yes, Baby?"

"Let's play Mommy and Baby Boy." His eyes lit up at the proposition, loving it when we play this 'game.'

Whenever we play Mommy and Baby Boy, that means we're going to do something more than just vanilla sex. We usually experiment, which Hyunjin loves. Hopefully he'll love this.

We ventured into the bedroom, Hyunjin already stripping himself from his clothes.

"Lay down on the bed, Baby." He nodded, laying down as soon as his boxers hit the floor.

Going to our closet, I picked out the set of restraints that he loved the most. They were pink with fluffy insides, making his wrists and ankles as comfortable as possible.

Walking back towards the boy, his eyes glistened with anticipation. "What are we doing tonight, Mommy?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out, Baby Boy." I grinned, grabbing the blindfold on my way out.

Hyunjin has a sensory deprivation kink, and I think it'll pair nicely with what's to come.

I began the task of restraining him, grinning at his soft whimpers of eagerness. After I was done, I straddled the boy before the placing the blindfold over his eyes.

"Now, Baby Boy, Mommy has a special treat for you tonight."

"Yeah?" He quetioned, sounding excited.

I nodded, running my hands across his toned abdomen. "But I want you to remember that Mommy loves you."

He furrowed his brows together, nodding slowly. "I know." "Good."

My hands moved to his muscular thighs, squeezing them slightly before moving to his inner thighs.

Hyunjin's breathing was already uneven as he awaited my next movements.

I slowly spread his legs, as best as I could with the restraints, before leaning down and blowing on his hole ever so slightly.

"Mommy? What are you doing?" His voice quivered, sounding nervous.

"Shh, just enjoy, Baby Boy."

My hands moved to his cheeks, spreading them before I leaned down, pressing my tongue against his entrance.

He gasped, a shocked moan escaping his lips.

I pressed my tongue flat against his puckering hole, licking a stripe up to his balls.

"Fuck, Mommy."

After doing this a couple of times, I decided it was time to start the show.

Pushing my tongue into his entrance, Hyunjin let out a loud and strangled moan as I heard the restraints click against the bed frame.

"Now, now, Baby Boy. Why are we struggling so much?"

"Mommy, please." He begged.

"Please, what, Baby? Do you wish to stop?"

He shook his head vigorously. "Please don't stop." "That's what I thought."

Sticking my tongue back into him, I began to explore his tightness, wondering if I could find that spot that made him shake.

I swirled my tongue around his entrance, earning a few whines from the boy.

Hyunjin's whines were high pitched and beautiful, truly beautiful. I would even go as far as to say they were angelic.

Hyunjin let out a whine, trying his best to push down against my mouth that was currently sucking on his hole. "Mommy!"

I grinned, going back to exploring.

Hyunjin continued whining until I found that special spot that made him break.

"Fuck." He moaned out, arching his back off the bed.

I continued my attack on that spot, trying my best to make him cum.

Deciding to up it a notch, I slipped a finger into his tight walls, watching as he shook with ecstacy.

"Mommy, oh god, yes."

"Does that feel good, Baby Boy?" He nodded, moaning once more as I curled my fingers.

I decided I wanted to taste him again, so I removed my digit from the boy and replaced it with my mouth. I just love the way he tastes so much.

"Mommy, I...I'm so close." This only encouraged me as I continued eating him out.

After a few minutes, Hyunjin was cumming onto his stomach, his high pitched whines echoing off the walls.

"Music to my ears." I mumbled, helping him ride out his high.

Reaching up, I undid the blindfold, a sly grin plastered on my face as his face reddened.

"See? That's wasn't so bad, was it?"

He turned his head away, mumbling something about how he hates that I was right.

I giggled, starting to undo his restraints. We'll definitely be doing this again.

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