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⚠️ pet play, dry orgasms, daddy kink

✨️ dom Jisung x sub Lee Know ✨️

💛 word count: 1199


"Such a pretty kitty." Jisung praised as he circled around me, eyeing me up and down.

I felt so self conscience under his intense gaze but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the attention.

"It's so sad that you're such a bad kitty. I'd be more inclined to reward you."

My head shot up, our eyes locking. "I'm good kitty."

He hummed, "I don't know about that one. You've been awfully naughty lately. Speaking back and disobeying rules."

I bit my lip, knowing he was right. I have been acting up lately. I just want his attention. He's been so busy writing and producing, he barely has time for me.

"How about this," He started, leaning down so we were eye to eye. "If you can sit through your punishment, I'll reward you."

I started to question what my punishment was when he held up his finger.

"Starting with no talking. I don't want to hear a peep from you."

I nodded, hanging my head.

"What should your punishment be today?" Jisung thought out loud, tapping his chin as he began circling me once more.

He knows this small action drives me crazy. It makes me feel like I'm being showcased. And something about that just drives me absolutely insane.

Jisung stopped in front of me, grinning down at my submissive and weak frame. "I think your punishment for tonight is going to be the cage."

My eyes watered at the mention, knowing this was going to hurt.

"If you can go...let's say three orgasms without making a sound, I'll reward you."

I gulped, fearful of making a sound. Ji can be kinda harsh sometimes.

"Let's get you on the bed, Kitten. Spread those legs for Daddy."

Doing as told, I spread my legs after laying down, waiting for what was the come.

Jisung went and got the basket of wonders, coming back with a vibrating dildo and a cock cage. I gulped, staring up at the ceiling as I prayed to the gods that I wouldn't make a sound.

Jisung put the cock cage onto my already hardening penis, causing me to wince at the slight pressure. I knew this was going to be a long night once he got the cage out.

Once the cage was secured and locked, Ji got out the vibrating dildo. But not just any vibrating dildo. No, this one is special.

This one is eight inches long, girthy, and powerful. It's my punishing dildo, as Jisung likes to call it because he knows it kinda hurts me. It's just so big.

"Just take a deep breath, Kitten." Jisung spoke softly as he lubed up the toy. I kept my eyes on the ceiling while trying my best to relax. I'm definitely not acting up for a while, that's for sure.

I felt the tip of the toy pushing against my entrance before it penetrated. I had to bite my lip to keep from whining.

Jisung slowly pushed the massive dildo inside of my tight walls, trying his best to not hurt me. Even though we're in the middle of a punishment, he doesn't want to harm me.

Once it was all the way in, Jisung told me that we were going to wait a couple minutes to allow me to adjust. He's so caring.

While we waited, Jisung placed little kises along my neck as he played with my faux cat ears.

Even though I can't feel it, the thought of him playing with my ears makes me giddy and excited.

"Are you ready, Kitten?" I nodded, smiling weakly at the dom.

He turned on the vibrations, starting off slow. I was doing pretty good about holding in my moans and whines, until we reached about level three. That's always the level that breaks me.

I could feel my orgasm reaching, and it soon hit.

I squirmed as I tried to ride out my dry orgasm, watching as Jisung grinned from the end of the bed.

"That's one, Kitty. Just two more." I nodded, bracing myself for two more. Just two more. I can do this.

It didn't take long for me to reach my second orgasm as I was still trying to feel relief from the first.

I bit my lip, gripping the sheets as the dry orgasm hit. I could taste blood, but I didn't care. I was determined to not make a sound in order to get a reward.

"Just one more, Kitty. You're doing so well."

Jisung turned up the vibrations and I had to stop the moan from escaping my throat. Ji raised his eyebrow at the almost moan but decided to ignore it. I thanked every god in existence in that moment.

The dildo was sitting just past my prostate, rubbing against it every time I squirmed. I so desperately wanted to hit my third orgasm just to be done with my punishment.

And soon, after squirming around enough, I felt it coming.

I held onto the sheets for dear life as my third, and final, orgasm hit.

As soon as it did, Jisung turned off the toy and began to slowly pull it out of me. He then unlocked the cage, allowing my cum to slowly leak out of my throbbing member.

A soft sigh left my lips as the cage was taken off of me.

Jisung smiled as he rubbed my thighs. "You did so good for Daddy, Kitten. I'm so proud of you."

I whined at his words, feeling myself becoming aroused by his tone of voice. It was seductive, almost deep, and full of lust.

"What would you like for your treat, Baby?"

I thought for a second, trying to think of something that I really wanted. All I really want after my punishment is to cum, actually cum. To feel a good release.

"I just want to cum..." I mumbled, tears brimming my eyes.

Jisung's eyes softened, his hands inching closer and closer to my neglected member. "How about Daddy sucks you off?"

I nodded eagerly, causing Ji to grin. "My baby deserves it after being so obedient."

Jisung's lips soon wrapped around my member as he bobbed his head up and down, establishing a slow and steady pace.

My mouth fell open but no sounds escaped as I was still afraid to make any.

Jisung removed himself, placing soft kisses along my shaft as he mumbled, "Let it out, Kitten. Daddy wants to hear you."

As soon as his mouth was wrapped around me again, I moaned, only causing Jisung to moan around me.

He began to deep throat me, resulting in me crying out in pleasure.

He continued to rub my thighs as my cock hit the back of his throat, slight gagging sounds being heard from the younger.

It wasn't long before I felt my orgasm nearing. Knowing I would be able to orgasm comfortably this time, I finally let it out with a loud and strangled moan.

Jisung swallowed it all, bringing me down from my high before releasing me with a pop.

My chest rose and fell as Ji just grinned down at my frame. "Let's get you a bath, yeah?"

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