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⚠️ voyeurism, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, masturbation, edging

✨️ dom Lee Know x sub Jeongin ✨️

💛 word count: 1167


I laid in bed, one hand covering my mouth while the other stroked my member.

The vibrating anal plug in my ass was sending vibrations through my body strong enough to make me cry out.

I was nearing my third orgasm of the day, the euphoric feeling being addicting.

Biting the back of my hand, I whimpered as I came.

The plugs vibrations were causing me to be overstimulated, but I didn't care. I kind of liked it.

My head snapped towards the door as Lee Know spoke up, "Jeongin, we're going swimming. Let's go."

I was about to protest, wanting to stay in bed with my anal plug.

It is waterproof, though. Fuck it.

I quickly changed into some swim trunks, really hoping this plug was waterproof like it says on the box.

After getting changed, I followed all of the guys out to the van, gulping nervously as I realized I'd have to sit down with this plug deep in my ass.

This is going to be an uncomfortable yet pleasant ride.

While getting into the van, I could see Lee Know watching my every move.

I sat in the back, enjoying the feeling of the soft and slow vibrations.

My eyes were glued to the passsing scenery as I tried to not look back at Lee Know, who's eyes haven't left me since getting in the van.

Does he know I have a plug in? Surely not.

Once at the pool, we all jumped in, splashing water everywhere.

We all played around for a while, playing some games and just hanging out. All the while, the plug was still vibrating slowly within me.

I had to prevent myself from cumming, not wanting my release to leak out into the water. That would be embarrassing.

One by one, the guys decided to head inside to have a snack or just get out of the water for a bit.

Biting my lip, I decided to stay in the pool, really needing a release.

"I'm going to stay out here and soak in the sun." Most of the guys nodded, heading inside.

I watched them all leave before quietly getting back into the water.

Hopefully the filters will take away my release before the guys get back.

Resting in the corner of the pool, I reached into my swim trunks and took hold of my shaft, whimpering gently at how sensitive I was from edging myself for so long.

My head fell back as I began to stroke myself, enjoying the way the water felt around me. It was a new sensation and I rather liked it.

It didn't take long for me to reach my climax, seeing as I'd been holding back for a while now.

I bit my lip to prevent myself from moaning as I came, the eurphoric feeling coursing through my veins for the fourth time today.

Lifting my head, my eyes went wide as I saw Lee Know standing across the pool, his gaze locked on me.

I was speechless, embarrassed as all hell, as I watched him slowly step into the water.

Our eyes remained locked on one another as he swam over to me, stopping just a few inches from me.

He glanced at my lips before he was leaning in.

Finally breaking the space between us, I closed my eyes as our lips met.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as the kiss began to heat up, pulling him closer to me. If that was even possible.

His hands tapped on my thighs, signaling for me to wrap around him, which I gladly did.

As soon as my legs were wrapped around his waist, he was pushing me further into the wall of the pool, pressing his hard on against me.

I let out a whine at the feeling, the sound being swallowed by the kiss.

Breaking the kiss, Lee Know began to leave kisses along my jaw line, really making me wish we were in a room or something so that I could moan out.

"Everyone is gone." He spoke against my skin, almost as if he could hear my thoughts. "Let me hear those sinful sounds, kitten."

Lee Know bit a love bite onto my skin, causing me to whimper at the feeling.

Soon, his hands were roaming my body, finally resting on my ass.

Easing his hands into my trunks, he pushed on the plug gently, making me whine at the feeling.

He then began to slowly ease the plug out of my ass, resting in on the concrete.

Lee Know pulled away long enough to take mine and his swim trunks off, soon wrapping my legs around his waist once more.

Lining his tip up with my entrance, he glanced up at me to make sure I was okay with this.

Biting my lip, I nodded, ready to be fucked senseless.

He began to ease into my hole, his brows furrowing together the deeper he went.

Finally bottoming out, Lee Know connected our lips for another make out session, his hands holding tightly onto my waist.

Without warning, Lee Know pulled out before pushing back in, establishing a rather quick pace.

The waves being created in the pool only seemed to push Lee Know further inside of me.

Breaking the kiss, I buried my head in the crook of his neck, muffling the moans that were slipping past my lips.

I could hear Lee Know letting out soft groans, the sounds only bringing me closer and closer to my high.

"Lee Know..." I moaned as I came, clutching onto his biceps for dear life.

Lee Know continued to chase his high, his thrusts soon becoming sloppy.

As he came, he held my hips down, allowing his cum to be shot deep inside of me.

I whimpered at the feeling, loving it way too much.

After a few moments, Lee Know pulled out before reaching over and picking up my plug.

Grinning slightly, he eased the plug back into my hole.

A strangled moan escaped my lips as the overstimulation of my fifth orgasm hit me, the vibrations only fueling it.

The vibrations began to increase, which I didn't understand why. I left the remote in my room.

Looking up, I saw Lee Know grinning ear to ear as he held the remote, kicking it up another notch.

Crying out from the feeling, I tried to take the remote away from him, but he was faster than I was.

Holding me close to his body, he leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Guess you'll have to wait until we get home to turn it down."

He placed a kiss to my lips before adding, "What number what that? Five?"

My eyes went wide at his question, softly nodding in confusion.

"I think we can get you up to eight before the night's over." He winked at me before climbing out of the pool, leaving the remote on its current setting.

Fuck me.

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