Chapter 2 - Pirates

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Chapter 2 – Pirates

I will wring Haratek's neck for giving me incomplete information! The inhabitants of this planet are us, marine animals and humans! As if! Then explain the fucking pirate orks attacking the port! Calm down, this is an empire planet, this place must have some kind of defense, whether automated or the Planetary Defense Force, they should be here soon.

But time passed and no one showed up, the orks kept shooting at the port, and when there was no one left in the port they fired at the city, cannonballs started to destroy the buildings made of wood or stone. This wasn't a very advanced planet, was it? Aside from the tech ships, I couldn't see any kind of defense in the harbor.

Maybe I should do something? I know that I must remain hidden to avoid drawing the attention of the empire, but even though I am a Necron, I am still human and this vision bothers me, I moved my arm in front of the screen again, the point of view changed, this time I was seeing the streets of city on the island, people were running desperately towards a large metal gate further into the city.

The gate was part of a large metal wall, it looks like this place has a kind of defense in the end. But will everyone get there safe? I got my answer when a cannonball landed in the middle of a fleeing crowd, the cannonball hit the ground creating a crater, luckily it didn't seem to hit anyone directly.

The disoriented people were getting up, but suddenly.


The cannonball started to glow red.


Don't tell me this is a...




I could see the eyes of everyone in the crowd widening as they realized what the cannonball was.


The cannonball exploded in a shower of blood and guts, body parts flying everywhere, men, women and children torn to piece. Enough! I have to do something! But what? The tomb is in a deplorable state, I don't know what was activated or not, maybe some Necron warriors are available. But how do I wake them up?

Necron warriors need constant instruction. Without orders, a Necron Warrior will go into a guard state, taking out any enemies that get too close. But there is a "problem", so to speak, once given the order, a Necron Warrior will not stop until he is killed or fulfills that order.

If I screw up, the situation could get worse.

Let's see, how do I activate my warriors? I tried to concentrate, "closed" my eyes and emptied my mind, I felt something strange, it was like a series of necron codes and protocols, then I felt a connection, it was like I was putting my email and password to enter an account on a website, this connection wanted to know my authority, wanted to know if I was the Overlord, I "grabed" the connection.

When I opened my "eyes" I was underwater, I was seeing through the eyes of a necron warrior, but just one is not enough, I need more to sink the ship, a squadron of necron warriors is composed of five to twenty necrons, so three squads should be enough, after all I don't plan to fight directly.

I focused again and felt the connection, then gave the order.

"Sink the scrap metal ship and eliminate the orks."

In a tomb at the bottom of the ocean, sixty necron warriors awoke with an order coursing through their systems, their Overlord had commanded and they will do his will, one by one, the warriors' heads lifted, green light pouring from their eyes and shining through their bodies.

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