Chapter 0 - Characters

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Considering the number of characters so far, it can be difficult to tell who is who, so I decided to make a special chapter talking about the characters in the story so far.

I believe this helps the readers orient themselves and solve their doubts about a certain character, and this chapter will be updated from time to time as the story progresses.

If this is your first time reading this story, I suggest you skip to chapter 1 as there will be spoilers.

That's it for now! Enjoy the chapter!

-Akatosahk Ulthagakh-

Necron Overlord of the dynasty of the late Mahazarek the Immortal

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Necron Overlord of the dynasty of the late Mahazarek the Immortal. Ruler of the damaged and partially awakened tomb of Hidrus Quintus. He sank a ship belonging to Ork Warboss Gol D. Loota that was attacking Le Refuge Ombré, starting an unwanted conflict with the ork Warboss.

After dealing with the Warboss, Akatosahk set his sights on conquering Hidrus Quintus without bloodshed, infiltrating the governor's palace and accompanied by his loyal servants, Akatosahk planned to negotiate with Governor Mathias or control him with scarabs.

Only to discover that Mathias was a worshiper of Slaanesh, unfortunately Mathias managed to open a portal to the Warp using astropath Jaqueline Boucher as a catalyst. With no other option, Akatosahk awakened the tomb of Hidrus Quintus, successfully repelling the invasion thanks to the Necron Pylon located within the tomb. And permanently eliminating the Greater Daemon of Slaanesh, the Keeper of Secrets, Malya'aishui'ie.

With that resolved, Akatosahk approached the astropath Jaqueline, who he rescued during the attack, and convinced her to be governor of Hydrus Quintus and loyal to him. Using the excuse of being Space Marines, the Necrons were able to help with the security, repairs, and improvements of Hidrus Quintus without being interrupted.

After an incident with Jacqueline where the astropath tried to kill Akatosahk because her faith conflicted with her actions, Akatosahk decided to approach the astropath and show that she is not a heretic and that he is not there to cause harm.

Now Akatosahk travels through space, trying to awaken the other Tomb Worlds in the system, unfortunately by stopping the invasion of Hidrus Quintus, the Overlord has attracted the attention of a certain Chaos God.

Titles: The Denied, Wretched Herald of the Impenetrable Eclipse, the Prognosticator Spiteful Guardian of the Cursed Distortion, the Collector of the Cryptic Labyrinth, Slayer of Orks, and Scourge of Demons.

Warlord Traits

Honorable Combatant: This warlord is a strict adherent to the ancient codes. In other words, he feels the desire to enter into honorable combat with the leader of the enemy force.


Staff of Light: A Staff of Light is a type of weapon used by high-ranking Necrons, including Overlords, Lords, and Crypteks.

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