Chapter 10 - Infiltration

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Chapter 10 — Infiltration

Haratek and I stood at the top of the tomb, with Rahkikh and Thaszan at my side, we watched the clouds dissipate, the months of storm are over, meanwhile Haratek gave me a report.

Haratek and I stood at the top of the tomb, with Rahkikh and Thaszan at my side, we watched the clouds dissipate, the months of storm are over, meanwhile Haratek gave me a report

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"...And with the defeat of the leader of the Greenskins, repairs to the tomb progressed unabated, the cover granted by the storm allowed the use of Scarabs, Spiders and Wraiths in abundance, with your order, I can initiate the full awakening of the tomb." Haratek reported.

"And our troops?" I asked.

"The water in the tomb was drained, and with the materials collected through mining, our damaged and rusted units were fully repaired and brought back to their peak efficiency state."

"Hm! That's good to hear. Good job Haratek, but what about you?"

"Me, My Lord?" Haratek asked hesitantly.

"Yes how are you? If I remember correctly, I sent you on a mission while damaged. How do you feel now? Is there a problem? Do you need some rare ore? Or some downtime to recover?"

Haratek looked at himself, analyzing his body "I believe not, My Lord, but I am grateful for your concern." Haratek said, bowing slightly.

"And you, Rahkikh and Thaszan? Do you two need anything?"

"No, My Lord." Rahkikh replied.

"Serving you with all our strength is the only reward we desire." Thaszan completed.

I mentally sighed, having absolute authority is annoying sometimes, I can't have a normal conversation without being praised and treated like royalty, I'm offering them the chance to ask for a reward and they're turning it down, I'll think of something later.

"My Lord, if I may ask..." Haratek spoke.

"Ask it."

"When do you plan to eliminate life on this planet and conquer it? These so-called humans have stained your glorious planet and invaded your territory like a plague, if you don't want the trouble to eliminate them, I can do it, just give the order."

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