Chapter 18 - Technical Problems

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Haratekius stepped back quickly, briefly turning into a green blur before Killvolt's electrified mace hit the ground with a bang, creating a crater accompanied by a shower of fragments.

However, the Daemon did not end its attack, as the corrupted abomination swung its whip above its head and struck in an arc.

Electric crackles echoed amid the screams of the cultists fried by the Tesla Carbines, while the whip boiled the air and closed the distance like a mass of snakes.

Haratekius showed no concern and crouched; allowing the blow to pass over his head, but Killvolt maintained its attack and swung its whip in the air, aiming for the Techmarine's legs.

However, the Daemons obtained a similar result to their previous attempts and Haratekius easily dodged the attack with a jump.

"Why... You... Don't... Fight!" Killvolt demanded, changing channels to form a sentence.

The Techmarine did not respond, much to the Daemon's dissatisfaction, and remained in a relaxed position, waiting for his adversary's next action.

Killvolt did not share the same patience and delivered a barrage of lashes as it roared furiously. Simultaneously, Haratekius performed a series of jumps and acrobatics, becoming temporarily invisible to unaugmented mortal eyes.

The blows left molten cracks in the asphalt, sidewalks, and building facades while deafening cracks and multicolored electricity filled the environment.

Killvolt raised its arm, swinging its whip high into the sky and ready to strike Haratekius's head, but the Techmarine moved faster, his relaxed attitude gone, giving way to a determined coldness.

Then the Techmarine charged forward, closing the distance in the blink of an eye and thrusting his Maul forward, intent on destroying the chest of the construct the Daemon called its body.

Surprisingly, the Daemon disappeared for a second, similar to Haratekius every time he dodged. It looked like the Daemon had teleported a few meters to the left, but Haratekius's trained eyes saw what happened.

As if time had slowed down, Haratekius saw the Daemon's feet leaving the ground, creating a series of scorching footprints on the asphalt, and stopping a few meters to his left, swinging its mace arm shortly afterward.

Haratekius raised his right arm, blocking the powerful blow that created a metallic, bell-like crack as it hit his body, but he remained firm in his position, with his feet sliding slightly to the right.

"You are unable to understand how much your cheap imitation of my superior technology irritates me." Haratekius spoke seriously with a slightly irritated tone.

"Was that an... Insult?" Killvolt asked. Applying more force behind its strike, pushing Haratekius away and making both of their arms shake.

Haratekius went silent for a few seconds and looked around, analyzing his surroundings. The Techmarine saw the cultists busy with their small detachment of Space Marines and the Sisters of Battle were nowhere to be found.

"No, that was a statement."

Then Haratekius temporarily disappeared from Killvolt's sight, causing the Daemon to stumble forward due to the lack of obstacles in its path.

The Techmarine reappeared behind the Daemon, swinging its Maul with enough speed to create a shockwave as it hit Killvolt's back, and sent the Daemon flying away, with a chunk of its left side missing and a trail of metal marking its trajectory.

Killvolt struck the facade of a building, creating a cloud of dust as chunks of brick and concrete fell onto its seated form.

The eye displayed on Killvolt's screens spun around in disorientation but widened slightly as it saw Haratekius falling towards him.

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