Chapter 5 - The Battle Begins PART 2

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Chapter 5 – The Battle Begins, PART 2

The planet of Hidrus Quintus was composed mostly of oceans, the only habitable landmasses on the planet were islands of varying sizes, the islands were composed of ports, houses made of wood and stone, in the center of each island there was a large metal wall which served a variety of functions.

The first and most obvious was to separate the nobles from the commoners, behind these walls there were palaces and mansions, commerce that sold products that only the nobles could afford.

The second function was for defense, having a single fortified point on each island where the population could fend off attacks until reinforcements from the Imperium arrived.

The third function was to shelter the population against a natural event that happened annually on this planet, the months of storm, devastating rains will cover the planet, lightning will fall from the sky as if it were the wrath of the Emperor, and gigantic waves will swallow any ship that dares navigate during these months.

The district of the nobles had a drainage system so that it would not be flooded, and covering the wall there were lookout posts and automatic defense systems in case an enemy force tried to attack. But while nobles enjoyed these privileges, the common population was not so fortunate.

The humble workers and their families who lived in Hidrus Quintus would have to give everything of value to the nobles if they wanted to enter the walls, and even if they did, the nobles would not be kind to them, the population would be crammed into reinforced warehouses where they would be paid as little as possible to survive until the stormy months were over.

If it depended on the nobles, the population would receive nothing, but the nobles need to maintain a certain image to avoid calling the attention of the Administratum, who would question why in a few months such many people died on a relatively peaceful planet, Hidrus Quintus had the presence of orks, but not enough to cause that much damage without something serious happening on the planet.

Currently, preparations were being made for the stormy months, on the island of le Refuge Ombré, the largest island in Hidrus Quintus, being also the island where the governor's palace was located, the governor, a man known as Mathias Lafaille was in his office reading a report on the condition of the wall and its defenses.

Mathias Lafaille was a tall, fair-skinned, slightly plump man, his hair a shade of white indicating his age; he was interrupted from reading his report by a knock on his office door.

Mathias Lafaille was a tall, fair-skinned, slightly plump man, his hair a shade of white indicating his age; he was interrupted from reading his report by a knock on his office door

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"Come In." Mathias replied.

The person who entered was a beautiful woman with black hair, extremely pale skin, and completely white eyes indicating her blindness, the woman wore red and black robes and carried a golden staff with the symbol of an eye, this was Jacqueline Boucher, the Astropath responsible for the interplanetary communication of Hidrus Quintus.

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