Chapter 17 - The Daemon in the Machine

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"Speak; I'm waiting for your answer!" Akatosius Uthacello demanded, still holding Palatine Ania in the air.

The young Palatine opened and closed her mouth repeatedly with sweat running down her face as she looked around nervously.

Unfortunately, Ania had little time to respond, as the rest of her sisters came out of the sewers and drew their weapons after seeing the situation she was in. This only increased tension between the two groups.

Ania took a deep breath, muttering an insult and mentally reciting a litany, before putting on a stern face and answering the Space Marine's question.

"I am Palatine Genevine Ania S'narikar, Battle Sister of the Order of the Blood Rose and member of Canoness Karamora's commandery. My sisters and I are on a mission given by Canoness herself. I would like to apologize for my sister's actions, but given the current situation, reacting hastily to any sign of danger is expected."

The Chapter Master fell silent after hearing the Palatine's response, nodding slightly as he processed the information before placing the Battle Sister on the ground.

"I understand, I would like to apologize for my actions as well, but as you can see, my astartes and I are escorting civilians caught in the crossfire of the attack. I figured you were chaos cultists trying to ambush us."

Akatosius Uthacello spoke, stepping aside and pointing with his halberd at the various civilians his chapter protected, forming a shield around the mortals with their armored bodies.

"Oh! I see you are on an important mission too." Palatine Ania replied, smiling as she saw the people protected by the Space Marines.

"What can I say? The Imperium would be nothing without its people, unfortunately, few realize this." Akatosius Uthacello responded kindly.

Palatine Ania was excited to hear this answer, but soon put those thoughts aside and assumed a professional posture.

"I would love to continue our conversation, but my sisters and I must continue our mission." Palatine Ania spoke walking away from the Space Marine.

"Do you have permission to tell me what this mission is about?" Akatosius Uthacello asked curiously.

Palatine Ania stopped in her tracks and turned towards the Space Marine, taking a glance back and hesitantly looking at her sisters.

The group of battle sisters slowly nodded to her superior.

"Not exactly, but since we're both on the same side, I think you should know. As you can see, the City of Tismator is under attack by traitorous heretics, with the communications center being taken over and used to spread heretical propaganda, while the Cathedral of Saint Alexia is under siege by forces that I can only define as the Imperial Guard, although Canoness Karamora and some of our veteran sisters seem to know what this is about."

Akatosius Uthacello fell silent, assuming a thoughtful stance and looking around, specifically towards the civilians and the Sisters of Battle who accompanied Ania.

The chapter master approached the Palatine and crouched down until her helmet was face to face with the Battle Sister's face, giving her a good view of her intimidating green eyes.

"Tell me, did any of your superiors give you the chaos talk?" Akatosius Uthacello whispered to the Battle Sister.

"Ca..." Palatine Ania spoke but was immediately interrupted by the chapter master.

"SSSHHH! Speak low." Akatosius Uthacello hissed with a finger in front of the mouth area of his helmet.

The Palatine nodded, getting the message, and looked around, seeing her sisters waiting for her to finish her conversation.

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