Chapter 4 - The Battle Begins

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Chapter 4 – The Battle Begins

There's something wrong, the orks are quiet, very quiet, the orks attack on the local population has diminished, all the orks ships are sailing towards a single point, a large island covered by vegetation and rock formations, unfortunately we don't have how to see what's happening on the island, all we can do is prepare.

"Haratek?" I said sitting on my throne.

"Yes, my lord?" Haratek answered at the top of the stairs to my throne.

"The orks are planning something, prepare the tomb defenses, Sentry Pylons and Gauss Pylons, Tomb Sentinels and Canoptek Wraiths. Priority for the repairs and activations of these units."

"Yes, my lord. But if I may ask, why use so many resources to fight such primitive creatures?"

"You are making the same mistake many have made in the past, underestimating the orks. Orks are random and illogical creatures, but they are not stupid, underestimate them and you will meet your end. Now do as I commanded."

"Yes, my lord, I will not let you down." Haratek bowed and left the throne room.

I covered my face with the palm of my hand, orks, why orks? Couldn't it be a less complicated enemy to deal with? But I can't ignore it now, I provoked the orks and now they are coming after me, Haratek had the scarabs and spiders repair most of our units, time to activate my warriors.

Concentrate... Give the order...


In various sections of the tomb where the water had been drained, Necron warriors and war machines awakened, thousands of Necron warriors, dozens of necron Immortals and Doomstalkers marched out of the tomb, these units received a series of orders.

In various sections of the tomb where the water had been drained, Necron warriors and war machines awakened, thousands of Necron warriors, dozens of necron Immortals and Doomstalkers marched out of the tomb, these units received a series of orders

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"Doomstalkers assume defensive position

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"Doomstalkers assume defensive position."

"Warriors and Immortals split into squads and patrol the area around the tomb."

And they complied with orders by taking up their positions and starting patrols.

"Now all I can do is wait and prepare, but as the saying goes 'No plan survives contact with orks. ' Rahkikh, Thaszan?"

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