Chapter 9 - Boss against Boss

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Chapter 9 – Boss against Boss

I was repeatedly slammed against the floor, with each blow I could hear the floor cracking, the claw that held my leg released me and I was thrown, I hit my back against a wall, I heard a metallic sound when I collided, whether it was me or the wall, I couldn't tell, luckily I didn't feel any pain, now that the attack was over I reoriented myself and scanned the area around me.

I was inside the ship, in a large metallic room with boxes and other objects spread around, metallic and heavy steps made the floor shake slightly, it was Gol D. Loota approaching.

The Warboss wore a Mega-Armor, the armor was painted black and red, on the chest of the armor was adorned a golden skull with rubies in the eyes, attached to the back of the armor was a pole with the pirate flag of Gol D. Loota flowing, Loota also wore his captain's hat.

On his right arm was a black Power Klaw with five fingers, a large golden skull with rubies for eyes adorned the top of the Power Klaw

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On his right arm was a black Power Klaw with five fingers, a large golden skull with rubies for eyes adorned the top of the Power Klaw. In his left hand, Loota carried a Twin Link Shoota.

 In his left hand, Loota carried a Twin Link Shoota

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"I'll turn ya into scrap metal tin man." Loota said as he carefully held a pipe with his Power Klaw and lit it with a shot from his gun.

"CRAAA! I'll turn ya into scrap metal!" The parrot squig on the armor's shoulder repeated as Loota smoked his pipe.

"HÁ! Keep dreaming. I admit you took me by surprise, but maybe it's for the best, this back and forth between our forces leads nowhere. So why don't we end it here and now? Where there is no one to interrupt us." I said as I picked me up.

That's it! Be confident, don't show that you're freaked out at the thought of your first fight being against a Warboss wearing Mega-Armor.

Loota took the pipe out of his mouth and blew out a cloud of smoke. "Spoke like a real boss. We'll settle dis 'da orkish way, boss against boss!"

"CRAAA! Boss against boss!" The squig repeated.

Loota threw his pipe towards me, seeing him approaching, I swung my Staff of Light and hit it with the ornament covered in lightning.

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