Chapter 15 - Hidrus Quartus

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Author's Note: This is a context chapter so to speak, to introduce the planet, the factions and the buildup to conflict, so there will be a lot of dialogue to go on. I would also like to say that the location where the story currently takes place has changed a bit, I messed up in chapter three, I think, where I say the location of Hidrus Quintus and the other planets, but don't worry, that information was corrected right below.

Chapter 15 – Hidrus Quartus

The planet of Hidrus Quartus was the sixth closest planet to the star Ifrit, located in the Ultima Sector in the Ultima Segmentum. In the Ultramar subsector, close to Macragge, in a neighboring system known as Hinaritus.

Hidrus Quartus was a planet classified as Sanctuary World, Imperial worlds dedicated to a Saint of the Imperium. These worlds are governed directly by the Adeptus Ministorum and attract huge numbers of pilgrims every day.

Often serving as eternal resting places for holy men and women of the Imperium, the entire surface of these holy planets is given over to the holy crypts of the saints, and great monolithic cathedrals.

Often serving as eternal resting places for holy men and women of the Imperium, the entire surface of these holy planets is given over to the holy crypts of the saints, and great monolithic cathedrals

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In this case, Hidrus Quartus served for the worship of a single saint. Saint Alexia, the remains of the saint were kept in a large coffin of solid gold, adorned with figures of skulls and golden angels.

The lid of the coffin was its most striking feature, as a lying statue was carved in gold, which, according to the stories, was a faithful representation of the saint.

A sister of battle wearing Canoness armor, holding the pommel of her Power Sword lying on top of her body, the sword extending from the center of her chest to just past her feet.

Around the waist of the statue was a representation of a Bolter, a book with Litanies of Faith written on it, and the helmet that the Canoness wore in battle.

On the shoulders of the statue were two large torches, representing the Emperor's sacred fire that this sister carried and used to purify heretics.

Moreover, above the statue's shoulders, there was the image of the saint's face, a beautiful face, but hardened by the battlefield. Long hair flowed down from her head to her armor shoulder pads; a pair of eyes closed in a peaceful expression accompanied this hair.

The coffin was also covered with purity seals, and parchments with litanies and prayers.

The coffin was placed on top of an altar carved in marble and covered with a large cloth of red fabric with the symbol of the Sisters of Battle. Attached to the wall and altar where the coffin was located, there was a large statue representing the Saint in a battle.

Her sword raised to the sky, the flames of her torches swaying in the wind, rays of light shooting from her back and Cherubim flying beside her.

The room was built in a rectangle with a high ceiling where its end could hardly be seen due to its height whose light from the torches lit on the wall barely reached.

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