Chapter 3 - Repairing the Tomb & Problems with Orks

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Chapter 3 – Repairing the Tomb & Problems with Orks

"That is the end of the report, my lord." Haratek said as the green screen in front of my throne disappeared.

Finally! I thought he wasn't going to stop talking. Now what should I do? Let me think. Hm! I know. "Thanks for the report Haratek, I believe I now know what to do. I want you to use all the Canopytek Scarabs and Spiders to repair the Tomb, close the holes and openings, and then drain the water. If necessary you have my permission to mine materials, but don't get discovered, we are in no condition to face an invading force, I also give you permission to keep any rare materials you find, consider this my gift to you."

"Thank you my lord, I will follow your orders precisely."

"One more thing."

"Yes, my lord?"

"Where is my war gear?"

Immediately Haratek's body went rigid, with what I believe was a command from his mind a horde of scarabs entered the throne room carrying a series of objects "Forgive me my lord, so much has happened that I ended up forgetting your wonderful equipment. "

With a wave of his hand, the items carried by the scarabs began to float towards me, I got up from the throne and analyzed the equipment, I already had the Gauntlet of Fire in my hand, now we'll see what else I can equip.

The first item was a pair of Hyperphasic Swords, swords vibrating in different dimensions allowing it to cut through flesh and armor with ease, I grabbed each sword in one hand and did a few slashes in the air, the swords felt so natural in my han...

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The first item was a pair of Hyperphasic Swords, swords vibrating in different dimensions allowing it to cut through flesh and armor with ease, I grabbed each sword in one hand and did a few slashes in the air, the swords felt so natural in my hands, probably due to the body I was living, blows of blinding speed cut through the air leaving green lines where they passed, when I finished the swords disappeared in a green light.

The first item was a pair of Hyperphasic Swords, swords vibrating in different dimensions allowing it to cut through flesh and armor with ease, I grabbed each sword in one hand and did a few slashes in the air, the swords felt so natural in my han...

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The second item was a Staff of Light, an energy generator capable of firing Gauss beams, which could be energized to be used as a power weapon in melee combat. Holding the staff I rotated it in my hands as if I were a monk from a fight movie, I fluidly passed the staff from one hand to the other, I rotated it above my head and behind my back, the more I rotated the staff more energy accumulated in it, when I finished I pointed the staff upwards releasing a blast of green rays that illuminated the throne room.

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