Chapter 11 - Partying All Night

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Chapter 11 - Partying All Night

"...That's how my family became one of the most influential in Hidrus Quintus" A noble boasted to Marquis Rahon, puffing out his chest and swinging the wine in his hand.

"I see, that was an interesting story..." Rahon replied automatically, not paying attention to what the nobleman was saying, but rather watching the movement in the ballroom.

"I agree, it has been told in my family for generations and I intend to make myself worthy of being remembered by future generations. But you? What is your family history?"

"My family serves Lord Utaniel."

"Oh! The young noble accompanied by the minister? He must trust you to invite you and your wife, probably for years of service well done."

"A few millennia you could say."

"HAHAHA! I see you have a sense of humor." The noble chuckled, placing a hand on Rahon's shoulder.

Slowly Rahon looked at the noble's hand on his shoulder and then looked the noble in the eyes, the noble sweated nervously due to the cold look Rahon gave him.


A noise of breaking glass echoed through the hall, taking advantage of the distraction, the noble removed his hand from Rahon's shoulder, all the nobles turned towards the source of the noise, five servants dropped their trays carrying drinks and snacks and walked towards the elevator with a fixed gaze, all these actions performed in perfect synchrony.

Any noble who tried to stop them was pushed to the ground with an enormous strength, the servants entered the elevator and went up.

"Governor Mathias should be careful who he allows into his palace, this inappropriate display will tarnish his reputation. Hump! As if it wasn't already stained." The nobleman spoke.

"What do you mean?"

"That stays between us, but there are rumors that Governor Mathias contacted unreliable people, the dregs of society, a few days ago, a ship from Hidrus visited our planet, nothing to worry about, just the Mechanicus checking if the machine spirits of Hidrus Quintus were happy, but from this ship came a group of strange people, they dressed like the crew, but we all felt that there was something wrong with them, I don't know how they contacted the governor, but after they left, the governor acted in a different way."

"I see, anything else?"

"Unfortunately not. And you? Any interesting tidbits to share?"

"Hm... Did you hear about the remains of the ork fleet?" Rahon said.

"Yes, something really earth-shattering. Who knows what would have happened if the storm hadn't destroyed it?"

"Yes... The storm..."

"Changing the subject. What do you think of the party? The drinks are wonderful, aren't they?

"I am not a drinker."

"It doesn't surprise me, you haven't even touched yours." The nobleman pointed to the wine in Rahon's hand.


Five more servants dropped their trays, walked in unison to the elevator and ascended. Amidst the commotion, Rahon threw the wine from his goblet out the window.

"Where is Governor Mathias? He must know about what's going on here." The noble asked.

"I wonder the same thing." Rahon spoke, facing the elevator.

Looking around the room, Rahon's eyes met Marchioness Thassiana's, the two gave a quick nod and returned to their conversations.

Marchioness Thassiana found herself in conversation with noble women.

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