Chapter 13 - The Duties of an Overlord

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Chapter 13 – The Duties of an Overlord

"Is this serious? I leave for five minutes to fight a war against a Greater Demon and you already try to take over the tomb in my absence?" I asked the group of nobles in front of me.

Simultaneously a Canoptek Spider floated above my throne, working on repairs to my body, the same goes for Haratek, Rahkikh and Thaszan, each of whom had a spider and a group of scarabs repairing them.

A Noble left the group and stepped forward "Forgive us Overlord, but your absence from the tomb made us assume the worst, that your magnificence was eliminated in your sleep."

"If any of you had bothered to look outside the tomb, you would have seen the reason for my absence, for as you awakened, the world was literally ending! If not for me, you would be caught unprepared!" I replied.

Another noble dropped out of the group "My Overlord, if I may ask. What would pose such a threat to our grand tomb?"

"An invasion of Chaos Goddess Slaanesh's daemons, straight from Warp!"

I noticed that all the nobles looked at me confused, they didn't have the slightest idea what happened after they went to sleep.

"A question. Do any of you know what happened after we entered the great sleep and what the current state of the galaxy is?"

I received a series of negative responses.

"Very well, allow me to tell you all that happened after the War in Heaven, about the Warp, daemons, chaos gods, the fall of the Eldars and the birth of the Imperium of Man."

So I told him everything, about the negative feelings of the Eldars, Krorks and the innocent races caught in the crossfire of the War in Heaven turning the Sea of Souls into the hell known as Warp, the monsters created by these feelings, about the birth of the Chaos Gods and their daemons, the regression of the Krorks into beings known as Orks.

Of how the Eldars forgot about the Old Ones, created their own gods, expanded their galactic empire and entered a slow descent into stagnation, hedonism and decay, leading to the creation of a new God of Chaos, the damnation of their souls, the birth of the Eye of Terror and the fall of its empire, becoming a dying race.

Mainly, I told about a primitive species that was born on a small blue planet, uninteresting for the grand scheme of the galaxy, how this species evolved over thousands of years until it became a technologically advanced federation, heading to become the new dominant race of the galaxy. .

Just to have it all taken away from them with the mistake made by the Eldars, I talked about how they used the Warp to travel faster than light, the emergence of the Psykers, the Warp storms that separated the planets from each other, the revolt of the Men of iron, the artificial intelligences that served these beings.

I told about the rise of the Emperor of Humanity, the Unification Wars, the Alliance with Mars, the Space Marines and their legions, the gods of chaos spreading the Primarchs across the galaxy, and the Emperor's great crusade to recover the lost planets and his children.

And finally, I told about the Horus Heresy, the events leading up to the heresy, the traitorous Primarchs, the Schism of Mars, the siege of the Holy Terra, and the confrontation of the Emperor and his traitorous son and how that ended with the Emperor placed on the Golden Throne and being worshiped as a God, everything he denied being.

I made mention of the War of the Beast and the Age of Apostasy, but those weren't important at the time.

When I finished, the nobles were silent, staring at each other, presumably processing the information in their circuits.

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