Chapter 20 - How to Kill an Overlord?

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I know this was not the time, but I realized how fast I thought as I ran towards the Chaos Spawn. I think the human side is getting used to the supercomputer that is a Necron's mind.

A silly thought crossed my mind in less than a second as I stared at the monsters in front of me, something I could not do as a human since I would be panicking instead.

The thought was that none of these creatures had names, and it would be annoying to refer to them as monsters, things, or creatures. So I thought of a simple solution before finalizing my previous thought, working on two lines of reasoning simultaneously.

I will name the monsters according to their skin color, red will be called Red, and blue will be called Blue.

A third line of thought emerged as the other two finished, so I focused on the two figures standing in front of the Basilica as Blue's claws approached my chest.

A Battle Sister and a Grey Knight, both corrupted by Chaos, specifically Slaanesh. Something that should have been impossible watched me outside the makeshift arena.

I created a fourth line of thought when I finished the first two, got halfway through the third, and searched my mind for all my 40k knowledge, specifically about two such unusual figures.

The result came in less than a second, two more lines appeared as the third ended, giving me the name of the Sister and Astartes, Miriael Sabathiel, and the Silver Knight of Slaanesh.

The first was a former High Sister of Battle of the Order of Our Martyr Lady who became a Chaos Champion after being tortured and corrupted by a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh. She now serves Slaanesh as an Eldar hunter.

The second was a possible Grey Knight who invaded the Real of Slaanesh and overcame all the challenges of the levels to kill the Chaos God but was corrupted by hesitating to strike a blow when Slaanesh appeared in front of him in the form of a child.

Well, it seems that erasing a Greater Daemon from existence drew the unwanted attention of the Prince of Pleasure. A worse problem always appears for every victory I achieve. Just my luck, ladies and gentlemen!

I ended all my current lines of thought and started some new ones as I threw myself to the ground, dodging Blue's claws and sliding under his legs, delivering a heavy cut to his back.

Purple blood and tentacle bits fell towards the ground as the monster roared in pain, but I let out a surprised noise when instead of Blue turning around to fight, the tentacles on his back lashed towards me.

I jumped backward quickly, getting out of range of the lashes that cracked the ground, but raised my halberd horizontally, blocking the bite that Red sent in my direction.

I grunted in disgust as I saw the beast's face up close, saliva staining my weapon as his tongue and rotten teeth tried to chew through the metal. However, Red did not finish his attack and planted his feet on the ground, trying to push me back with heavy steps.

I returned the gesture in kind and stood my ground, using my strength to push the Chaos Spawn in the opposite direction. As I fought, I paid half attention to the new lines of thought I had created, mostly how to solve the current situation.

I could order one of my Death Marks to kill Sabathiel, but the probability of success was low thanks to many unknowns.

Sabathiel could possess a force field device or something similar, which would protect her from the shot and give her more than enough time to press the detonator.

Tired of Red's attempts to remove me from the arena, I energized my halberd, electrocuting the Chaos Spawn with green lightning that ran through his body, generating an agonizing roar.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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