Chapter 8 - Gol D. Loota

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Chapter 8 – Gol D. Loota

I crossed the ocean in my Command Barge, I was standing on the podium of the barge, with Rahkikh and Thaszan on each side, piloting the barge there were two Immortals in the pilot's seats. The barge flew like a jet, I take it back, comparing the barge to a jet would be an insult.

 The barge flew like a jet, I take it back, comparing the barge to a jet would be an insult

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We were faster than a jet, we broke the sound barrier a few minutes ago and we were still accelerating, I held the barge tight so I wouldn't fly off during the sonic boom, but that wasn't my biggest concern, it was the scenery around me, it was the sort of thing you'd see in a war or natural disaster movie.

The day turned night, the sunlight didn't pass through the sea of pitch black clouds above us, the thunder was deafening, to the point where I had to use commands to talk to Rahkikh and Thaszan and the Immortals, the rain would make it difficult for me to see if I had eyes, but it was nothing more than an inconvenience now, lightning, even though I'm Necron, they worry me, lightning fell like rain, hitting anything that was metallic or was high enough.

Looking down, I watched the dark, raging sea, huge waves rising and falling, engulfing the flaming wreckage of the ork ships and their downed planes, the great metallic craft crashing into each other before sinking, the few remaining orks jumping into the sea or grabbing anything to float, they did their best not to sink, but it wasn't just the orks who suffered from this storm.

I saw my units going down as well, Night Scythes, Doom Scythes, Tomb Blades, Ghost Arks and Doomsday Arks, knocked down by the Ork cannons or the storm's lightning, the weather was deadly for those still flying, but none of us had choice, the orks and I, we had to fight with all our resources.

Passing by my units, they disappeared in a green light, teleported to the tomb, to be repaired and returned to combat, a vicious cycle, but normal for Necrons, rarely are Necrons truly killed, I intend to keep it that way.

In the distance, followed by a path of destruction, I saw my units fighting orks, green lightning, bullets, rockets and artillery glowed in the darkness, the sound of explosions being drowned out by thunder, my units glowed like green stars in the sky, highlighted against the rain, thanks to the protocols I used, the fires from the orks' cannons created bright bursts of red, black and orange while the bullets created small, almost imperceptible lights.

Strangely, this vision possessed a kind of beauty.

That's enough, I've daydreamed long enough, I've spotted approaching ork aircrafts. Dakkajets and Blitza-Bommer.

 Dakkajets and Blitza-Bommer

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