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Princess Peña walked amidst the marching camp constructed by the Saderan Expedition to the new world. It was a warm day, with clear skies and birds flying overhead. The sound of men training and performing drills was heard, as horses and Wyverns were fed their daily animal fodder. It was a good day to walk. The Princess could feel the cool breeze blow past her, as though she were a wandering nomad, as though she were a poor, wayfaring stranger on the move.
The tents were alive with activity as the men made repairs to their armor or were playing games, gambling, or performing some task for which their Centurians assigned them.

The Princess gave a deep sigh as she looked behind her to see the gift from the Gods that brought them here. The Gate stood there, silent, mere days ago the Expedition had made their way across and had set up a foothold here. She smiled, remembering fondly how much pride they felt upon accomplishing that part of the invasion. The sight of many thousands of Legionnaires marching, with the flags of the Empire flapping in the winds.

Now, though, a mere few days later, Peña felt unease.

She looked back at the Gate and where it had appeared. Materializing at the side of a mountain and within a large cave, its positions made it look like a temple within the mountain somehow, she knew the truth, of course. Still, it was strangely awe-inspiring yet chilling, a rather strange combination of feelings merged into one.

The Princess clenched her fist a little, she couldn't say for certain, but something about the Gate, how it just stood there silent, it was as though the fates were mocking her. She nods her head, trying to erase all those thoughts from her head.

As she walked past the vast number of tents in the marching camp, Peña turned around, hearing the sound of horse hooves thundering her way, and there, she found one of her Knights, a woman clad in armor riding towards her, a glance allowed Peña to recognize which one of her subordinates it was.

It was one of her longest-serving knights and closest friends; Lady Bozes.

Bozes said to her princess.
"Your majesty, the expedition commander would like to have a word with you. He says it's a matter of utmost importance, and he needs to speak with someone with authority."

"I see, very well, take me to him." The Princess said.
She walked over to Bozes and got on to ride behind her back. With the Princess in tow, Bozes guided the horse and made her way to the Expedition commander's tent.

As they were riding, Peña and Bozes had the opportunity to take in the view.

The Legion marching camp was massive. Whole Legions were present here. All veterans of the Saderan Empire's countless wars and battles, many thousands of tents could be seen as far as the eye can see, organized into neat little blocks with dirt roads, surrounded by wooden walls and watch towers to protect the camp --- High above, the skies were filled with squadrons of Wyverns making their rounds and patrolling the skies. All while the smoke of campfires was seen as men cooked their meals.

Yet the landscape of this new world was the most striking. It was beautiful to look at.
It reminded both of the great fields that made up the Empire's more fertile core regions. The landscape of this world was flat, with only the occasional hill, forest, and river serving as true obstacles. This was a verdant world. One could only imagine what sort of opportunities the Saderan Empire would have here.

Indeed, Peña was already imagining what they could turn this place into, a verdant colony, perhaps? With farmland to help it grow and establish a more permanent foothold in the new world? Those thoughts seem to occupy her mind as she raced past all the tents and rows of Legionnaires in her path.

As she looked out on the fields, however, she saw something in a great line of trees that had been used by her troops as a place to gather firewood and other supplies.
She saw a faint glint in those trees, and she brushed it off for a moment, trying to concentrate on other matters. But as she looked back, she saw that faint glint again, it was as though there was a crystal there, shining as the sun hit it.

Gate: Thus, the Kovenant Empire fought there.Where stories live. Discover now