Act 3, Part 3

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Prince Zorzal woke up in a strange place, arms, and legs tied to a chair and mouth gagged with a wooden object. The crown prince looked around in fear, wondering where he was and how he got there, and suddenly the memories came rushing back to him, the battle that had occurred not too long ago and how he was humiliated and his army shattered before the might of the foes from beyond the Gate. How easily those beasts of iron simply rolled over him and his troops. His eyes darted around, full of anger but soon that anger was replaced with fear as a pair of Burgundian men approached him, appearing from the darkness of the room and turning on the lights. His senses were bombarded as he was greeted with the near-blinding light of multiple devices and as his eyes adjusted, the two Burgundian men looked at him with curiosity.
"Ungag him."

A soldier, who was standing guard over to the left walked up and removed the gag from the terrified Prince. It was here that the man spoke up once again.
"Greetings, I am Kommissar Eren, of the Kovenant Empire and right now, you are our prisoner until a diplomatic settlement between the Kovenant and the Saderan Empire can be achieved."

Zorzal looked upon with fear in his eyes. His head was still hurting from getting hit by the rifle butt and without much to say and strapped down, he said.
"W-who are you people?! What have you done with my army, I swear when I return home the might of the Saderan Army will be unleashed on you all!"

Eren crossed his arms. "Really?" He looked at the officer next to him and said.
"I don't think he understands the situation, I'll let you do the honors."

"Yes, Kommissar."
The second man walked up close to Zorzal and placed a holographic projector on the floor. As the device flickered to life and showed its projection, Zorzal was shocked at what he was seeing, was this magic? He thought to himself. Zorzal was so mesmerized by the technology before him, before Eren snapped his fingers, getting his head back in the game.

The other Officer then directed Zorzal's attention to the images displayed on the hologram.
The images in question were of the more disturbing kind and as Zorzal looked he could recognize what he was seeing. These were images of Saderan soldiers, thousands of them had been taken prisoner, being rounded up and placed under guard and countless numbers of horses had also been taken by the Kovenant soldiers, the animals to be sold back into Imperial territory no doubt.
But it was the massive rows of bodies that truly shocked Zorzal. So many dead bodies, enough to fill entire cohorts of troops were everywhere, neatly lined up and being placed into mass graves, Kovenant priests walked back and forth among the dead Saderan soldiers, giving prayers and swinging some kind of object around.

One of the Kovenant soldiers in the hologram dragged another corpse into the grave.
"We're burying them here with a stone marker?"

"Ja, ja we are." Replied his friend, helping him.

"But I thought these people were the enemy."

"No, no, you don't get it... We're all the soldiers here and we Burgundians are the people of the Gods. It would be disrespectful and shameful to leave the bodies of fellow soldiers to rot away to the elements, no, our honor demands they be buried."

The hologram abruptly ended and Eren stepped forward.
"Your army is gone, crown prince."
The young Kommissar then turned around and gestured at someone. Zorzal then noticed that there were other people there, obscured by the intense floodlights.
"General Engel, would you like to continue with the procedure? According to Princess Piña, Prince Zorzal is a stubborn one and won't budge to gentle questioning."

The young lady gave a nod. "Proceed."

It was then that Eren turned back to Zorzal and said. "Crown Prince Zorzal, under the code of military honor, you are now a prisoner of the Kovenant Empire, please comply with any of our requests and dont disrupt the process of prisoners in any way. As well as this you will be obliged to answer any of our questions and-"

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