Act 3 Part 4

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General Hazama and those who were with him had no idea what to expect. This whole situation was something he felt like he should have been prepared for, yes there were considerations for possible talks, and yes he had been ordered to prepare for every possible counterpoint and argument that would come in the event of a Saderan diplomatic mission coming their way. However, they did not expect another nation to be involved in all of this and not just any nation, which seems to be even more technologically advanced than they ever could be. All Hazama and other JSDF personnel arrived at the scene, and what they saw put them on edge, they could see Itami and his squad standing by close to them, weapons slung over as they gave a salute. The Kovenant soldiers who were standing guard, regular infantry and frontiersmen alike also stood still, but as Hazama approached, one squad approached, their leader saying.
"You must be General Hazama, my name is Conrad Wiking, please follow me."

As the JSDF delegation was being led inside the tent, Hazama couldn't help but observe the other Kovenant soldiers, it was so strange, the Frontiersmen looked normal enough with their green uniforms and their chest plates. But the regular Kovenant soldiers look different, these 'Vrinngrenadiers' as they are called wear dark blue uniforms, yet it seems as though they don't mind at all, just who are these people? As he asked that question he also noticed something rather shocking, he looked at the uniforms and noticed something, bullet markings, clear as day, and yet the marking didn't seem to penetrate and it looked as though the fabric itself was what stopped the bullet and the weapons they wielded, they looked similar to assault rifles but according to what Itami has told them, they were far more advanced than that, just what have they in store?

"Michael, Bernhard, open it up and let the General through." Conrad ordered.
As the tent entrance opened up, Bernhard looked at the Japanese commanders.
"General Engel is the lady sitting alone on the table, please, make yourselves at home."

General Hamada smiled at the 'young girl' warmly. "Thank you, miss."

"U-um..." Bernhard wanted to correct him, but out of fear of starting something, Bernhard smiled and let it go. As the Japanese officers entered, Michael looked at his partner, trying his best not to laugh.
Bernhard gave him a look of disapproval, as though trying to communicate his embarrassment.
Conrad, who was standing nearby couldn't help but sigh at the situation. Who knows how long this campaign will take and here he is, bracing himself for another long, long day.


General Engel smiled as Hamada and four other JSDF officers entered the tent. The soldiers all around her gave the Japanese men a salute and as they were about to sit, an Imperial officer moved over and presented the visiting officers with cups of coffee, a traditional act of respect and courtesy for officers of a high enough standing in the Kovenant.

"Greetings, I am General Angela Engel, commander of the 87th Vrinngrenadier Corp. I am here today to represent the interests of my nation: The Kovenant Empire." She introduced. "Might I have your name?"

General Hamada took a deep breath as he and his subordinates sat down. "My name is General Hamada of the Japanese self-defense force, I am here today to represent the interests of my country: Japan and its government... I must say I am quite impressed you have a good grasp of my people's language."

"I have had time to learn." In truth, Engel and everyone here were using their universal translators. Still, not wanting to give Hasama the wrong idea, she kept that to herself.
"So, it is my understanding that your country was also attacked by the Saderan Empire, correct? And now, you are here on behalf of your nation in order to combat the threat to your nation, yes?"

"Yes, yes you are correct, did Lieutenant Itami tell you that?"

"Yes, he has told me a lot about the reason for your presence here. It seems that you and I are on the same page, you see, our nation was also attacked by the Saderans and we are here as a part of the Kovenant's retaliation. Although plans have been put in place for a rapid advance through Saderan territory, your sudden arrival caught us all by surprise and we have placed our offensive on hold for the time being, until we can determine if your nation's plans for this region will not interfere with our own. As much as possible the Kovenant would like to ensure that our actions here will not result in more unnecessary conflict and complications."

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