Act 3 Part 1

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Lieutenant Skrosamzy walked up to the group of vehicles ahead of him. Though he had told his men not to provoke them, the tension was still thick. This certainly wasn't the 87th first time contacting new people, they have had their fair share of that in the home universe and other universes. However, the mere fact that this group appears here as well, heavily armed and with the capabilities to send what amounts to an expeditionary force is most fascinating as it was concerning, Skrosamzy was soon joined by Conrad and most of his squad, except for Bernhard and Michael who stayed behind, hands on the MG.

"Mein Herr!" Conrad said. "Pearl has just deciphered some of their language and we've been able to learn a bit more they are still talking as we speak... This group calls itself the JSDF, probably an acronym for something, but based on what we can hear on the radio, they appear willing to talk it out."

"Thank the Gods for the translation modules in those devices of hers," Skrosamzy said.
"Well, in that case, let's hurry it up. Sergeant Wiking, with me, you'll be my right hand as usual."

"Understood," Conrad replied.

As the pair got within talking distance, the rest of Conrad's troops stopped and stood watch as a man got out of the lead vehicle. The one who was coming out to greet them, it seems. He was a young man, clad in green and with an assault rifle slung over his shoulder. The Imperial troops looked at each other and though their faces were hidden behind combat masks with a single, crimson red eye glowing ever brighter, one could tell that they were a bit disappointed.
Skrosamzy could hear them say.
"He looks like someone you would find in an under-equipped and half-forgotten Imperial garrison."

"Ja, look at his gear, pretty basic, and though essential, I was expecting him to have more at the very least."

"Right, well, let's just see how things play out."

Skrosamzy patted Conrad by the leg.
"Get your universal translator ready."

Conrad reached for his pocket and placed a square device on his left ear, followed by Skrosamzy who did the same. As they did so, the pair could feel a sudden surge through their bodies, at first a slight tingly feeling, followed by a chilling flow of energy that went through their bodies. There are some things that one could never get accustomed to, the activation of universal translators being among them. Universal translators are devices that use Psychic energy as a power source and as a means of understanding other languages by intercepting sentences and translating them for the user to understand, on top of that, the device also translates words spoken by the user.

First conceptualized by the Gods as a gift and then mastered by mortals to the satisfaction of the Gods with their technology, these devices are rather popular, if admittedly complicated and expensive.

The man in front of them walked forward, fiddling with a small booklet, and said.
"Um, hello there... My name is Lieutenant Itami of the Japanese self-defense force."
Itami flipped through the pages, trying to find the proper words for his next sentence. He looked flustered and how he breathed betrayed his anxiousness to continue.

Skrosamzy replied.
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, lieutenant, but rest assured that there is no need to be using that dictionary you have there... Rest assured that we can understand you."

Itami's eyes widened upon hearing this. From his point of view, this stranger, who looked as though he had come out of a military science fiction novel, just walked up to him and despite having just met, spoke to him in surprisingly fluent Japanese.
His mind was firing neurons. What was going on here? Who are these people and how do they know how to speak Japanese? It was then that he noticed the devices on the two men's ears, could it be because of what they had on them?

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