Act 3, Part 2

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Kommissar Eren and his troops were all hard-pressed to hold out. They had only recently taken the city of Italica and now he and his troops were locked in a vicious battle as the City of trade was now under siege by the Saderans, having sent more legions down to deal with the city, the Kommissar had been holding back many assaults for hours with what few troops her had at his disposal. The sounds of battle and death could still be heard in the distant fields as Saderan legionnaires tried to rush the walls with ladders, only to be cut down in droves by the machine gun crews on the walls. It was a massacre every time they tried to take the walls by storm and still, that foolhardy commander still ordered more men forward into the meat grinder, it was as though this were trench warfare but without said trenches,

Kommissar Eren, escorted by two of his soldiers made their way to the section of the wall under attack. Their heavy footsteps alerted the people, who avoided them out of fear or respect for the man and his accompanying soldiers.
One of them said. "Kommissar, we just received word from General Engel, that a platoon of Stug-18s and a full regiment of reinforcing soldiers is coming our way, we just gotta hold out."


"They are very close, perhaps a few more minutes at the absolute most."


Eren was not impressed by the Saderan forces and their commander. Indeed it seemed as though they were simply trying to seize the portion of the wall they had tried to take hours ago. The young Kommissar had been bothered by this observation for some time now, he had to ask himself 'Why the hell are the Saderans just charging straight at us?'
As Eren and his troops reached the wall, they immediately rushed up to the battlements, drawing his ripper blade and apocalypse pistol once more. What awaited him at the top was total carnage. The field below was littered with countless bodies, all ripped apart by the machine gun crews and often in groups where they had tried to stay in formation. The troops on this wall consisted of a machine gun crew and a full squad of frontiersmen.

For a brief moment the machine gunner stopped, one of them standing up and vomiting from the walls, the sight and stench of so many dead people was enough to make even the Kommissar somewhat sick.
"How many times have they tried to storm the walls of Italica?"


"Twelve?" Eren responded in genuine surprise. "Have they tried to change tactics?"

"No." replied one of the soldiers. He briefly hid behind some cover as he opened up a bolt in his Laser-Gewehr, then reached for the charging cord before plugging it in. The back-mounted charging coil automatically turned on and the depleted weapon was charged within seconds.
Disconnecting the charging cord and closing the bolt, the trooper continued.
"They've been charging at this same area twelve times, often attacking in full Battalion-sized units, so roughly a thousand guys each wave. Every time they failed."

"Yeah!" The soldier next to him replied, a young woman. "This isn't a battle, it's a turkey shoot, all that open field ahead of us is a killing field!"

It was just then that a war cry was heard from the Saderans. Once more fresh troops were brought up, thousands of them were rushing the walls, grabbing the ladders from dead comrades, running frantically towards the walls while somehow managing to keep their unit cohesion in order. Legionnaires rushed up and snatched blood-stained ladders from the ground as they raised war banners.
Behind the Saderan lines, a figure stood tall and proud on his horse, his shining crimson armor standing out like a sore thumb as he raced across the battle line giving battle commands, one of his younger officers raced after him, yelling.
"Prince Zorzal, the men cannot take much more of this! They are beginning to waver and some units have begun to abandon the fight!"

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