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The Saderans looked on, confused but still spoiling for a fight. Spears, swords, and shields at the ready as they gathered around the surrounded foe before them, wielding strange weapons they have never seen before, the winds blew hard, as though the Gods were trying to tell them something. More and more Legionnaires were pouring in, and the morale of the men skyrocketed to grand proportions. The men that they had encountered, were all huddled together in a defensive circle, still aiming their strange staves at them. Soon enough, as the men continued to taunt their opponents, the familiar sound of horse hooves was heard as the arrival of the centurions arrived. The saderan officers raised their swords in the air and said.
"Barbarians! Surrender now, we have you outnumbered!"

However, the men simply looked at one another and shrugged, some of whom were even women dressed in those strange green clothes. Instead, they shouted back at them.
"Sie betreten imperiales Eigentum, treten Sie zurück, Sie sind alle verhaftet!"

The saderans looked on, again, the Centurion shouted.
"I am giving you one last chance to surrender, lay down your arms!"

Suddenly, one of the women in the group shouted.
"Wenden Sie keine Gewalt an, wenn Sie angreifen, haben wir das Recht, das Feuer zu erwidern!"

Saderan Legionnaires smirked at one another, seeing a woman, here, dressing up as though she were one among their number. Generations of that cultural mindset made itself clear for all to see, for war, is a man's game.

The Centurion grits his teeth and started riding around the groups of soldiers with him.
"Prepare to attack, remember your training, you are Saderan Legionnaires! The pride of the Empire!"

The Saderan soldiers cheered on, banging their shields in an attempt to intimidate their competition.

It was here that one of the soldiers ran up to the Centurion and said.
"Sir, Her Majesty, Princess Peña is approaching fast with whole Legions! We will have reinforcements here soon!"

The Centurion smiled and looked back at his men.
"Do you hear that? Her majesty is fast approaching with reinforcements, but we know that we can defeat these Barbarians right here right now!"

Slowly, the men in green uniforms started to back away, but not fully retreating. Instead, they kneeled and stood their ground. It was clear that this shall be the ground they choose to hold.
The Centurion pointed his sword at them.
"So be it, forward men! Charge!"

The Saderans let out a frenzy of shouts and yelled as they charged forward. Groups of ten Legionnaires each surged forward in a dash, many of whom were smiling as they surged forward with their comrades.

However, no more than a few seconds after their attempted assaults, the Saderans saw something, strange pillars of heat and crimson red traveling towards them, and before they could so much as react, pain rattled their bodies as they fell to earth, one soldier falling before the man next to him fell as well.

Within the blink of an eye, three Saderan soldiers lay on the ground, dead, burning holes in their chest area. Four more were severely wounded and in pain, the burning, sizzling pain making itself known like a parasite crawling up one's body.

The others halted their charge and looked on confused, disheartened.
"What in all things holy was that?"

"Are these magic users? We've never fought them before, only the veteran Legionnaires have!"

Seeing the wavering morale of his men, the Centurion ordered.
He forced his horse to face the enemy and galloped toward them, furious.

The sudden frenzy of a charge that followed was filled with the fires of zeal and determination as the Saderan soldiers surged forward.
Even as many among their numbers fell to the crimson beams, many more were still arriving from other areas in the mine, Spears, and shields in hand.

Gate: Thus, the Kovenant Empire fought there.Where stories live. Discover now