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The Saderan reinforcement troops cheered with jubilation, swords, and spears raised on high as though they were banners to their victories, followed soon after by the cheers of those same reinforcement troops as they rushed to the sounds of battle, behind them came the thunderous noise of horse hooves as the Saderan Imperial cavalry surged forward and to their side. An entire Legion made their way to where the battle was, banners of their great empire flapping in the wind as knights in glorious armor made their rounds and inspired the men to go nearer still, war chants started to echo all across the field of battle, arid winds blowing across the mine, the footsteps of thousands giving flight to the birds nearby.

"Forward, for the Empire!"

"Perish, all foes of the Empire!"

"Emroy, aid us!"

However, as they made it to where the battle was, their conceptions of battle were washed away as waves of red laser bolts fell upon them.
The first group of reinforcing troops burst out into the open, shields raised, swords, and spears drawn. Yet, no sooner had they arrived when they found themselves falling.

Soldiers groaned and moaned as their bodies were penetrated by dozens of red beams of light. Those who weren't cut down instantly raised their shields and locked them, but even this was useless as those once mighty shields broke apart, splintering as the red beams pierced their bodies as though they had nothing at all.

The sight shocked the Saderans. Even those who didn't process the scene playing out before them in time were cut down, dozens falling, though this time they were hit in areas that did not kill them instantly, significant wounds appeared on their legs or soldiers, these troops then screaming in pain.

The rest were in shock, a great tingle traveling down their spines, followed by a cold chill down their bodies.

"Titus!" Shouted one of the Legionnaires, dragging one of his comrades back behind one of the walls.

Soon, those who were wounded found themselves getting dragged back behind their comrades, other Saderan troops rushing up to form a coherent battle line, but the wounded continued to scream and moan in pain as they were dragged behind the shields of their comrades.

"It burns! It burns!" Screamed one of these Saderan troops.

Other wounded men screamed similar things, and even as they were brought back behind the wall of Spears, their comrades were still there, trying to fight that stinging pain.

"Mages, we need mages!" Shouted one of the Saderan troops.
He waved his hands in the air and signaled for a group of mages to come to him. These men were less than enthusiastic, having been conscripted and called to arms, as these men rushed up to look after the wounded, they brought down staves, one of them saying.
"Hold them down, I will use a healing spell!"

As the soldiers held their wounded comrades in place, the centurions of the various formations rushed up to their men, and one of them said.
"Archers, fire a volleyball upon these Barbarians!"

Within seconds, Saderan archers ran into formation. Raising their bows and pulling their strings far back before a Centurion shouted.
The archers unleashed a volley of arrows, flying across the field and towards a perceived enemy.

Once those arrows disappeared from view, the Centurion shouted.
"Reload and fire!"
With practiced efficiency, the Saderan archers let loose another volley, then another, and then another.

Soon, hundreds upon hundreds of whistling arrows were flying all across the sky, landing over an ever larger area. Then again, and again.

Saderan archers never stopped losing arrows, some of which landed hits on the farthest buildings, the distinctive sound of bowstrings, and the whistling of arrows echoing all over the area.

Gate: Thus, the Kovenant Empire fought there.Where stories live. Discover now