Meeting with the Gods.

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The General staff made their way within the massive complex, the being that had greeted them guiding them across the bridge and beyond the doors, the light that had so recently bombarded their eyes faded the farther they stepped, and as they got closer and with their eyes adjusting, they lay their eyes upon the interior once more. It was so strange to these men and women, yet, no matter how many times they enter this place, they always get taken away by its beauty. Pillars flanked them, stretching high into the ceiling and with three separate floors, each one lovingly decorated with carvings, ornaments, and more, with a large chandelier at the center of the room, the room was lovingly decorated by artisans and with the roof itself being used to display paintings of events long since passed, even the pillars and floor house holy symbols and works of art.

As the general staff continued down the massive hallways, they were eventually led into a large room, branching out into multiple other hallways, here, the General staff saw other people. High-born Imperial nobility conversed with each other, others talking on about the business of the state. Members of the Burgundian Landtag, the Kovenant Empire's senate, also met here in their dozens and other military men talked business here as well, no doubt recognizing the general staff, as almost everyone they passed gave them a nod and a greeting.

At the center of the large room was an elevated platform, the steps leading up to it richly decorated with more holy symbols and smaller pedestals and guarded by a pair of guards, these guards were women, but one would do well not to underestimate their otherwise normal form. They were clad in armor and wielding power weapons in the form of Halberds with energy fields, and electrical arcs traveling up and down the weapons.
One of the women blocked the general staff and said.
"Halt. What is your business with the Gods?"

The being that had led the General staff inside floated ahead and said.
"Sister Varus-Guard of the order of the Sacarii, you serve the Father and Mother well... The General staff is here to report on a most urgent of news coming from one of our frontier colonies, we have been summoned here to report on it."

The Sister Guard immediately gave a nod and placed her hand on her chest.
"Ah, apologies herald... Father Aurelian and Mother Evangeline are expecting you, please, step on the teleporter at the top of these stairs, our brothers and sisters of the Order Sacarii will meet you on the other side."

Father and Mother... The term used to describe the supreme Gods in the Pantheon. Aurelian and Evangeline.

Everyone gazed upon this group. They whisper to each other in hushed tones as they see the Herald assure the general staff to climb to the top. Curiosity spread like a plague until the whispering reached new heights.

As the General staff neared the top, one of them whispered.
"I swear, the people in the Order Sacarii are always like this... You could be a general or the head of the armed forces and they'd still be searching down your neck."

"They are the Palace guards and an elite strike force deployed only by the word of the Kaiser and his wife, it is in their nature."

As they reached the top, the General staff took their place on the platform as the herald floated off to the left and towards a control console. There, the system activated and scanned her, upon recognizing her, the Herald started setting teleport coordinates to the throne room, or more accurately, to an atrium outside the throne room proper. Dials were spun and the device they were stepping on began to slowly come to life, a faint humming sound could be heard and the lights continued to get stronger and stronger... Golden lights. The stuff of which the Kovenant, empire of the Burgundian people was made.

"Brace yourselves. This device will teleport you any second now." The herald finished her work and floated back to join the others, just as the machine started to hum even louder. Finally, the machine came to life and each one found themselves slowly getting engulfed in a cocoon of energy, a slight tingling within their bodies was felt, as though a faint amount of electricity was coursing through them, and then, no sooner than a few short moments, a massive pillar of light consumed them, and made the general staff and herald vanish from the room. A flash so bright that it looked as though the hand of the Gods had reached out to them.

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