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(5 Kilometers east of the Saderan Camp.)

Boots hit the ground, men made their way through thick wood even as rows of trucks sped past them, followed by Half-tracks and scout cars. Many hundreds of soldiers walked along the old, beaten road that they now walk upon, each step getting louder and louder, amplified by the footfalls of hundreds. The wind blew hard against their faces, their distinctive hats covering them from the sun, as their Rifles rested on their shoulders. Those who were tired slowed down, while others simply hitched a ride on the Half-tracks, most of which were carrying supplies and ammunition, but most continued to march on and continued doing so with a vigor characteristic of men and women who had done this before.

As they marched, the troopers sang their hearts out to help pass the time and combat the boredom.
"Wir sind des geyers schwarzer haufen, Heia, ooh!"

"Sing, soldiers of the Kovenant!" Bellowed one of their officers.

Encouraged, the troops continued to sing their songs, amplified by the combined voices of others, yet accompanied by the intrusive sound of engines running and vehicles moving on the road.

Pride glowed in their hearts, a passion that drove them onwards, even after marching for the better part of a few kilometers trying to get to where they were needed.
Their cold masks and their crimson mono eyes stood out, contrasting with their green uniforms which acted as their Uniform Body armor and colonial hats, solid pieces of protective plate rested upon their chests with pouches for holding more battery mags --- All while all wielded machetes, combat knives, and Mark 85 Laser-Gewehrs.

For these men and women are soldiers of the Kovenant Frontier Guard.

For these men and women are soldiers of the Kovenant Frontier Guard

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(Art by me.)

The Frontier Guard is a second-line formation of the Kovenant armed forces. Subordinate to the Imperial Army, though not expected to fight on the frontlines, nor were they expected to ever fully replace regular Imperial army units.

They are first and foremost a defensive force, often they are charged with the protection and defense of new colonies on the Frontier and thus are more defense-oriented with limited offensive capabilities due to a general lack of armor and fewer heavy weapons.

Because of the fact they are second-line troops, they are given less priority to be given the latest, as all of that is reserved for the Regular Army. Instead, the Guard has had to make due older equipment, though for the Guardsmen?
This was nothing unusual, after all, they had served for years and had done just fine themselves. Even the older Mark 85 can still pack a punch.

Often deployed to Frontier worlds, this planet that they now march upon is no exception. Though they share the responsibility of being the garrison force with a regular Imperial Army Regiment, the Frontier Guardsmen still make up a significant portion of the planetary garrison.

Leading from the front of the formation was this particular force's commander, an old officer with graying hair. Though certainly not old enough to require gene therapy, the man was still noticeably older than most of the men and women under his command.

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