Act 3 Part 5

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(Burgundy, midwinter.)

Princess Piña looked at the grandeur of the Kovenant capital world with her own eyes. She has been staying here as a prisoner with special privileges and freedoms, but even after spending a few days here, she is still taken back by the massive size of the planet-sized city. Everywhere she looked she could see more of the massive ecumenopolis world that seemed to stretch on for infinity, it was still as surreal as ever. She stood upon the edge of a viewing platform on her government-sponsored high-rise apartment, leaning against the safety railing, looking down at the busy streets below her. She was staying in a luxury apartment set up for her by the Kovenant, presumably to make her feel somewhat comfortable, even if the building was guarded by Kovenant honor guards. Down below her were the busy streets that seemed to be almost minuscule on account of how high she was.

Piña sighed. The technology that the Kovenant has was shocking enough as is and now here she is, staying in the capital of this mighty empire and dwelling within buildings that seemed to be built by the Gods themselves.

She was offered the chance to watch a few Kovenant military parades but refused. She has seen enough, that the Saderan Empire cannot hope to defeat the Kovenant no matter how hard they try, no matter how many armies were raised.
She knew the moment she set foot on this planet. She sighed, covering her face, there was no point in being angry at it now, at the very least she was given an allowance and freedom of movement with armed guards and she could correspond with the rest of her Knights by letter, though they'd been given separate apartments.

She walked back inside. Her place was richly furnished and decorated, complete with plants and a large TV for her enjoyment, though Piña much preferred the company of books.
She walked over to the kitchen table and took a bottle of wine for herself, next to it were multiple books on the Kovenant Empire and its history, provided to her by the Kovenant government. They confirmed all of her worst assumptions, the Kovenant was thousands of years old, with so many worlds under their rule, with technology that would make the Gods of Falmart weary, and with a truly gargantuan military that fights wars on an interstellar scale. As well as this Piña has been reading up on Kovenant allies and enemies in this reality.

She took a sip from her drink and gritted her teeth, slamming the table.
"Dammit all! Curse Emroy and the other Gods for opening those Gates."
Her anger was boiling, she looked up at the ceiling and the chandelier hanging dangling up there. Her mind drifts back to the land of her birth, to the people and nation that she now represents.
"Emroy... The Gods... They wanted us to take the bait and cross the Gates, didn't they? What for? Some sick joke played by the Gods? To think that we worshipped and revered them only to get thrown under the rug like that... All those men, all of my men, all of those families that have been torn apart, the honor of the Empire, is it all a joke for you Emroy?!"

She closed her eyes, realizing the weight of her actions just now. She composed herself, clearing her throat and taking a deep breath.
A sudden knock at the door caught her off guard.
"Is that you Hans? Come in."

Hans opened the door, his honor guard uniform was as pristine as ever, slung over his shoulders was his Laser-Gewehr, and on his hips were a ceremonial dagger and sword.
He was a young man but his gaze betrayed immense maturity and discipline, even the way he presented himself was befitting for someone of Piña's status as a Saderan Princess, he stood tall and proud, as stiff as a pillar of stone and with a heart and mind-forged from steel. Hans clicked his boots and said.
"Frau Piña, there is someone here to meet you. He is an important figure in the Kovenant Empire and wants to talk with you privately."

"Oh? Who is it? Is it one of your leaders from the Kovenant Landtag, or perhaps your monarch?" Piña was internally trying to compose herself. She hadn't had any official meetings with the Kovenant's leadership in days, the last time something like this had happened, she was asked to go before the Kovenant's legislative body: the Imperial Landtag, with their Kaiser and Kaiserin present.

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