Arc 2 Part 3

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The 87th Vrinngrenadier makes its crossing. Assault Guns and armored vehicles were in the front, Imperial Battle banners and standards flying above them as they made the crossing, and just behind these armored units were rows and rows of Imperial Half-Tracks, soldiers loaded on and remote-controlled armaments at the ready. Those who were mounted inside the Half-tracks were the Vrinngrenadiers themselves, but they were not the only kind of soldier to be sent across. As the first of the Stug-18s roared with life and made their way inside, they were swiftly followed by Frontiersmen, running alongside them on each side. This was the first wave of the assault. The Vrinngrenadiers prepared themselves for what would be a battle on the other, occasionally looking out of the firing ports and at their Frontiersmen comrades keeping pace on foot, the physical health of these Frontiersmen was indeed something else.

Within one of the Half-Tracks, Conrad Wiking looked at his squad and said.
"Alright Vrinngrenadiers, you know the drill by now. Standard shock assault."

Like a well-oiled machine hardened through years of battle and war, his squad was made ready for battle once again. Dian chuckled.
"So, that makes this one the third universe we've fought in, right?"

"Huh." Jonas looked. "Ja, I think this is already the third Universe we've had to go through."
Jonas scratched his head and gave a sigh.
"Seems like it's the 87th destiny to be the first ones into a strange new world. I mean, let's check off the list... First, we had the world of Skiross to deal with, we fought a whole war there and got out with the ultimate reward, that being we found and returned one of the Overlords of the Kovenant, one of the Gods... Then after that, we were sent across to another universe again, this time called the Orion Maze where we fought another war, then after that, here we are... Again..."

"This is going to be a running joke if this keeps up!" Chloe exclaimed.
"... Wait no, it wouldn't just be a joke will it? Ja, I can see it now, this is gonna be the 87th's legacy!"

"Oh, oh!" Michael pitched in, smiling. "Then when we come back, people will start calling us the 'Multiverse jumpers' and make that the Corp's nickname."

Luna's cat ears perked up and said. "Who knows, maybe they'll make a cartoon about us in the future and call it... 'The unfortunate misadventures of the 87th.' And we'd be the main characters... Obviously, they'll make me the calm but intense sharpshooter girl who has the most simps, while Bernhard over there gets to be the joke of the series."

"Wha - Huh??" Bernhard looked at the Neko sharpshooter confused.
"Why do I have to be the joke of the series?"

"You always get mistaken for a girl by literally everyone who isn't part of our unit, Dian keeps making up jokes and you look all funny when you're fired up," Luna said.

"Am not!" Bernhard replied, although looking serious, in reality, he wasn't all that mad even as his team couldn't help but give a few giggles.

Conrad scratched his head and looked at Bruno. "Somehow... We always manage to make small talk."

Conrad certainly wasn't wrong, his squad, even in the most stressful of situations somehow managed to start a conversation. He was beginning to think that they had a supernatural ability for such things.
Just as they were about to join in, however, Lieutenant Skrosamzy got on the comms.
"Assault guns have made contact, prepare to dismount, now!"

Suddenly, the squad felt forces moving them forward before eventually, the vehicle stopped. Conrad grabbed his Laser-Gewehr and rushed up to the entrance.
"Get out, Vrinngrenadiers, form up and take positions!"

As the doors swung open, Conrad hopped out, and soon after he was followed by the rest of his squad. As he and his troops got out, they were greeted by what could only be described as a sea of fire. Deep trenches, dug up by what could only be retaliation from the Emissary cube can be seen all over the place.
Fires raged all around them as what was once a great host of tents and wooden fortifications were set ablaze, ashes flying high into the sky along with smoke. Amidst this scene came a great deal of noise and the origin of that noise was now made apparent... Saderan army units were running all over the place, archers and ballistas trying their best to damage the Emissary cube that floated stationary, high above the battlefield.
As they struck the outer layer of the cube, not even causing a dent, the entity within the emissary cube revealed itself once more.

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